Thursday, December 19, 2019

Donald Trump Impeached by The House

The House of Representatives decided to impeach the President, on two counts, those being Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.

Wat happens next?

Now we have a trial, in which the Senators act as the jury essentially. They will have a vote after the trial, and if 20 republicans decide to vote with every single democrat to remove from office, then he will be removed and Mike pence will be sworn in as the President of the United States.

What is the likelihood of this happening? Let’s look at past impeachments to see what history shows. 

For Richard Nixon, who was impeached for obstruction of justiceabuse of power, and contempt of Congress due to his involvement and attempted coverup of the 1972 Watergate break in. Watergate was the DNC headquarters at the time, and Nixon essentially knew and attempted to hide the fact that 5 men hired by his campaign had broken into the DNC headquarters and wiretapped the building. There was so much evidence against him, including multiple audio tapes, that if anyone, including his own party had voted against his impeachment, they would’ve essentially been blatantly and obviously lying to the entire country. Nixon resigned as he was notified that his removal from office was inevitable. 

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about receiving felatio from Monica Lewinsky. The initial reason they began investigating him in the first place was Paula Jones filed a lawsuit against him for sexual harassment while he was Governor of Arkansas. Linda Tripp, a friend of Monica Lewinsky, began secretly recording their conversations and providing them to Paula Jones’ lawyers to establish a pattern of behavior. During a sworn deposition, Clinton advised he’d never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky, which turned out to be false. The voting for impeachment in the House passed, but the Senate voting was essentially all partisan, and with a Democrat controlled Senate, the republicans did not have enough votes to remove him from office. The aftermath was his popularity going up, and a second term as President. 

Trump’s situation is way more like Clinton’s than it is Nixon’s. The evidence against Trump is NOT overwhelming to the point where Republicans can’t defend it. In fact, turning around and exposing Joe Biden and his sons corruption was a POSITIVE result for the right wing. The Senate Republicans are NOT going to vote to remove Trump, and they have a strong majority. 

Every time Donald Trump says the Dems are doing a witch hunt, he is proven correct. 3 years of Russiagate only for the report to come out saying there is no evidence of collusion. This will be much of the same, and it will increase his favorability because the average independent or right leaning voter will think “You know what, maybe he’s right and they ARE treating him unfairly.” That’s why when he says “Fake News”, it works. Because even if he’s wrong about the substance, the news media has constantly shown that they get things very very wrong and never correct themselves. This will be more of the same. 

Let’s see how this plays out. Just come back to this article after the Senate does their thing.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thought Experiment

Let’s play a game.

Here are the rules:
1. Let’s pretend Hillary Clinton won the election.
2. Let’s pretend she committed all of the alleged crimes that Tiny Hands Trump is being possibly impeached for.
3. Be honest with yourself.

Ready? Let’s play.

Let’s start with a fact that everyone loves to pretend doesn’t exist, but in all actuality, does. 
Hillary Clinton’s campaign hired a man named Christopher Steele to get unfavorable information on Donald trump. Christopher Steele obtained the “information” he received from a Russian source. (Before we go any further, just think about this for a second. What was the media saying in complete unison for the last 3 years, and what was Robert Mueller’s investigation attempting to determine? Oh, right. Moving on…)

This is where our thought exercise/game begins.
Hillary Clinton finds out that, let’s say, Ted Cruz’s son works for an energy company in, let’s say Germany. He has no prior work experience in energy, yet he is being paid $50,000 per month to sit on the executive board. Hillary then asks the German head of state (President? Prime Minister? IDK but whoever’s in charge) to investigate Ted Cruz and his son for corruption. 

How many Democrats would have this same energy to have Hillary impeached? How many Democrats would be on the news everyday calling Hillary a Russian puppet? Also, if they really believed Hillary was indeed working for Vladimir Putin rather than the United States citizens, do you think the republicans would give her an ADDITIONAL $130 BILLION, on top of the $700 BILLION that we already have for the military budget?

Let’s keep playing.

Using the Ted Cruz example, if Cruz submitted a debunkeddossier that the source from Russia themselves deemed to be incorrect, do you think everyone would STILL try to find reasons to impeach or investigate her even though Mueller’s report stated that there was “no evidence” of collusion between Hillary and Russia?  Ok, game over. 
Now, let’s just be real for a second. Everybody hates Donald Trump, including a lot of Republicans. However, this is NOT the way to attack him. All this does is distract everyone from the real shit we should be paying attention to, such as the fact that we have been lied to for the last 18 years about Afghanistan, or the fact that they just renewed the Patriot Act. Nobody cares about that stuff because every think Trump is going to get kicked out of office. Let me just be frank, that’s not happening. The Republican majority Senate will never ever ever ever everimpeach Donald Trump. It would be political suicide for all of them, because the base of the party LOVES this man. 
So, after that fun game, if you followed rule number 3, I think we all know that Hillary would have NONE of these consequences or issues. So can we please, for the love of God, have principles when we make arguments so that way we don’t have to have all these flimsy standards for politicians based on party affiliation? 

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Spying on All USA Citizens Will Continue

Guess what happened this week when everyone in the mainstream media and unfortunately many print outlets were reporting almost explicitly on the Impeachment news?

The Patriot Act got re-instated. 

You remember, the good ole Patriot Act? The one that had a sunset provision, which means it would’ve just, ya know, ceased to exist? You know the Patriot Act I’m talking about, the one that expanded NSA spying powers to be able to read every single text message, e-mail, Facebook message, Instagram DM, Twitter DM, Snapchat story, phone call, and all other forms of electronic communication that is sent from any private citizen? You know the one, where those same unelected bureaucrats can literally spy on you through your webcam

The renewal of this basically means that all of that would’ve stopped in December of this year, but because of a sneak clause in the Stopgap Funding Bill, it got renewed for another 3 months. What was the reason they gave to begin warrantless, unconstitutional spying of ALL American citizens? To stop terrorism of course. 

Ask yourself. How many terrorist attacks have been stopped as a result of the Patriot Act? According to
Depending on whom you ask or what you read, the Patriot Act may or may not have prevented terrorism. According to a 2015 Washington Post article, the Justice Department admitted, “FBI agents can’t point to any major terrorism cases they’ve cracked thanks to the key snooping powers in the Patriot Act.” But a 2012 report from the conservative Heritage Foundation states 50 terrorist attacks have been thwarted since 9/11, with 47 being the direct result of the work of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. They claim the Patriot Act is essential to helping law enforcement identify leads and prevent attacks.

So who do you trust, a conservative (Right Wing) think tank? Or the actual Department of Justice who is a part of the government who ran the program? Of course the right wing think tank is going to side with the right wing president and right wing government of 2001 who signed this act into law. But would the Department of Justice purposely lie to make the law look meaningless? I think you know better than that. If anything, they’d lie in the direction that makes it look BETTER. But, they came up with a big fat donut. So why renew it?

Because Republican officials get what they want because they are Grizzlies who actually fight for it, regardless if it’s based on principle or not. Democrats are weak little teddy bears who fold at the slightest opposition to their ideas. Plus corruption on both sides of the aisle, and boom. 
So while all of you are too busy paying attention to whether or not Trump is going to be impeached, tried, and kicked out of office (spoiler alert, he’s not), I’ll continue to show you all the REAL shit that’s happening in the country.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Kamala the Cop Drops Out!

Kamala Harris is a cop.

Billionaires love Kamala Harris. 


She dropped out. *Cues celebratory music*

Seriously, this is a good thing. Now, all we have to do is wait for Corey Booker, Michael Bloomberg, Mayor Pete, Amy Cloud Boot Jar, and whatever other centrists we have running….oh shit, Joe Biden’s still in the race? 

Why did Kamala Harris drop out, or in the words of most politicians trying to save face, “suspend her campaign”? She blames lack of finances. Which is hilarious considering my last blog post. 

I blame…her shitty record, lack of ability to defend her past when Tulsi Gabbard came out and caught that mean body during the debate. Making cash bail more expensive, denying a DNA test that would’ve reversed a decision that had a man in prison, using prisoners to fight wildfires they weren’t adequately trained for, allowing marijuana to lead to the arrests of over 1,800 residents of California during her tenure as Attorney General….probably THAT stuff. 

Everyone NOT named Bernie Sanders, Tulsi GabbardElizabethWarren or… (sigh) Joe Biden should just gone head and pick a Senate seat to run for. It’s over for you all.