Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Impeaching Donald Trump is a Bad Idea

Impeaching Donald Trump is a bad idea.

WAIT, wait, I know. 

I know he’s an insane bigot who has bankrupted his own companies 4 times despite marketing himself as a fantastic businessman, advocated for blanket bans of entire minority groups, stated that the majority population of a certain country are rapists and criminals (he assumes SOME are good people), got caught on camera essentially admitting to sexual assault (“I don’t even wait”), was sued in the 1970’s by the US department of Justice for violating the Fair Housing Act (he refused to rent to black people)https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racism-history , paid off a porn actress with campaign funds to silence her after having an affair, has had evidence uncovered against him pertaining to drug funds being laundered through his Panama hotel https://www.globalwitness.org/fr/press-releases/donald-trump-made-millions-selling-his-name-panama-development-used-launder-drug-money-global-witness-investigation/ , says there are good people on “both sides” of the White Supremacist vs. Not-White Supremacist debate, and made fun of a handicapped reporter. 


Mike Pence is worse.

Why, you might ask?

I got you.

He’s the exact same guy minus the mean tweets. 

For example, while “serving” as Governor of Indiana, the city of East Chicago, Indiana had major issues with water contamination. The problems were known for a minimum of 30 years, and was placed on a national list of Most Contaminated Sites in the United States. Mike Pence stated when this brought to his attention (during the 2016 campaign) that “his top priority remained serving the people of his home state, according to Rewire.

Problem is, not only did Pence do NOTHING to regulate the industries which caused the issues; he never even visited the city. Once. 
Now I ask, what has Donald Trump, or Mike Pence done for Flint, Michigan OR East Chicago, Indiana? The exact same thing. Which is not a damn thing. 

When it comes to women’s rights? He wants abortion illegal under ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. 
LGBTQ rights? He was/is against gay marriage, against trans rights to choose the bathroom of their identity, and thinks sodomy should be illegal. He supported a bill that would JAIL same-sex couples who applied for marriage licenses. He opposed the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. Need I go on?

De-regulation of Wall Street and giant corporations? He supports it. Privatizing Medicare and social security? He’s with the shits. Invading countries that aren’t a threat, nor have they attacked us? He’s 100% on board.

All I’m saying is, as horrible as Donald Tiny Hands is, and he is MUY HORRIBLE (shout out to my Hispanic homies), Pence is the same dude when it comes to policy, and it might be dangerous to have him as our Commander in Chief given the fact that he appears more sensible and reasonable. Which means he will be able to get these garbage ass draconian policies pushed through way easier than somebody even other Republicans admit is an unhinged maniac. 

So, yes we hate Tiny Hands Trump. As we should. But let’s not get carried away and lose sight of the goal, which is to STOP these terrible policies from passing and reversing the damage he’s doing one election cycle at a time. But getting rid of the symptoms of the problem don’t make the problem disappear. That just pushes the problem out of sight, where we all know it can causes way more damage. 

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