Saturday, November 17, 2018

Why Nancy Pelosi Must Go

Besides the fact that Donald Tiny Hands endorsed her, there are multiple reasons why we shouldn’t be supporting her as Speaker of the House.

She takes way too much money from corporations and Wall Street, and she is beholden to them. Why do you think she is pro deregulation of Wall Street? Why do you think she is still against Medicare for All? Why do you think she won’t support a bill for $15 minimum wage? Because she’s trash and a sellout.

Nancy has literally made tens of millions of dollars while in government. Pure insanity if you don’t see a problem with this. It’s called corruption everyone. It’s the same shit that prevented Hillary from winning, the same reason workers haven’t seen a raise in wages since it was decoupled from productivity in 1982. 38 years of stagnant wages.

Look at this video where she mentions everything around Healthcare except the one program that would accomplish everything people say they want to accomplish, Medicare for All.

And what’s up with all the “let’s work together with Republicans” bullshit? I thought Trump was
the most evil President ever? You guys know he’s the leader of the party, right?

This is the problem with the current Democratic Party. To fix our problems, the first step is getting rid of Nancy Pelosi as the leader.


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