Thursday, January 3, 2019

Message for the Democrats

Happy New Year everybody. I hope you guys had happy holidays and had plenty of good food, spent time with your fambam, and got blisters on your thumbs from the new NBA 2K you got for Christmas for whatever system you have. 

Now that we got that out the way, it’s time to focus. We gottaput the stupid shit to the side for a while and focus on real issues. No more Russia talk, no more “Ohmagawd Trump cursed!” fake outrage. We have to start focusing on policy. So this is my plea to the Democrats. If you do these things, you can not only regain power in government, but you can actually change the country for the better. Here’s a short list of things you should run on unapologetically like the homie Bernard Sanders (side note: I’m not sure if his real name’s Bernard).
1. Medicare for All.
2. Public funding of public colleges/universities
3. Ending all US interventions
4. Green Technology bill/Jobs Program/Infrastructure spending bill

Medicare for all is not only cheaper than our current system by anywhere from $2 Billion to $5 Billion for the American people when you factor in no longer having to pay for private insurance AND the tax increases required to make it happen, but it also covers everybody, so it’s objectively better. You’re just wrong if you think otherwise. 

Public funding of colleges/universities is a no brainer also, we already do this for all school up until 12th grade. Why can’t we just continue doing the same thru undergrad? It’s an investment in the future, it would help America to stay in the top countries on the education spectrum, and it would allow college graduates to participate in the economy in a way that matters. 

Ending all the wars is an easy way to obtain some much needed funding for some of these good ass ideas. And it would make everyone hate us WAY less. 

Green New Deal as it is often called would be a huge infrastructure bill that would essentially rid us of all oil dependency as we transitioned to renewable technology such as solar, wind, and hydro power. This would require a gang of workers, so there’s your jobs program also. It’s not like there isn’t a blueprint for this, how do you think the highways got here?  

Democrats. Focus on these 4 things, and you’ll takeover. Stop the Russia shit. Stop the Stormy Daniels shit. Stop the fake outrage. Stop taking money from super PACs and corporations and billionaires and multi-millionaires. STOP IT. Otherwise you’re gonna subject us all to another 4 years of Donald Trump. And in the famous words of Mr. Tiny Hands, that would be “SAD!”.

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