Thursday, February 28, 2019

Question for Team MAGA

I have some questions for the MAGA people out there.

Not the people who voted for Trump and either are indifferent now or are no longer actively supporting him. I’m asking those who currently, as of February 28th, 2019, still think Trump is goodHere goes:

If someone who was sued (and settled out of court) by the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division for discriminating against black and Hispanic (potential) tenants, how do you describe this behavior?

If a man was elected President and just so happened to be the first Black American to do so, who was born in Hawaii which is a state in the United States, and a second man constantly said that he wasn’t born here (with no evidence other than a foreign sounding name), but the second man NEVER did this to ANY other President, how would you describe this thought process?

If 5 young black Americans were convicted of rape, and then DNA evidence PROVED that they weren’t the ones who committed this crime, and the same second man from my previous statement continued calling for the death penalty EVEN THOUGH THE CONVICTION WAS OVERTURNED BY DNA EVIDENCE, how would you describe his sentiment towards black Americans?   

If a person states that he wants to ban an entire group of people from his country, called the countries that the majority of said group live in “shitholes”, and is focused on a border wall to keep out Hispanic immigrants (even though about half of undocumented immigrants achieve that status due to visa overstays, and a lesser known fat is more visa overstays occur from Canadians, not Hispanic people), what would you say is the main motivation here? 

If your conclusion is anything other than ethnicity, race, skin color, or any other way you can say it, then you are either being willfully blind, you simply don’t care about bigotry as much as you care about other issues, or you are also a racist. There is literally no other explanation. If you disagree with my assessment, then I don’t know what to tell you. I guess bigotry isn’t a thing outside of saying the N-word to a black person with the hard ER. Nothing else is racist apparently, if the above 4 questions didn’t qualify.

Make America Great Again. Like when blacks had no rights. Wasn’t it awesome? 

In the words of my man YG…”Fuck Donald Trump.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Bernie Sanders 2020

It’s a wonderful day to be a lefty. 

No, not you weirdo’s who aren’t right handed, I’m talking about being a progressive/social democrat/populist left-wing voter.  Not only do we have AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ro Khana and RashidaTalib just straight gooning up on the opps, but we have real progressives running for President in 2020. Elizabeth Warren, Tulsi Gabbard, and……..


The godfather of modern day social democracy has finally officially announced that he’s running for President in 2020. And with that announcement, I hereby announce that he has moved into the number one spot. Tulsi is my number 2, and Sen. Warren is in 3rd place. 

Think about it, we would not be having a conversation about Medicare for All or Free College if OG Bern wasn’t around in 2016. Ending all of our Nation Building wars disguised as humanitarian efforts? Bernie’s our guy. Climate change awareness? Mr. Sanders. Income inequality? You already know. Social justice which can be achieved through policy? Remember, this is the man who got locked up with Martin Luther King Jr, fought for trans rights in the 80’s before people even knew what a transgender person was, fought for gay rights in the military in the early 90’s in Congress. That is all Mr. Sanders. Fight for $15? Bernie.Fighting against corruption and influence of big banks/wall street? Bernie. 

And to think, he overcame a HUGE gap against Hillary Clinton (he started at less than 25% of the vote, ended around 48%). And keep it real, unless you were a huge political junkie prior to 2016, did you even know who Bernie was? Not unless you lived in Virginia. Now, he’s the most popular politician in the country.

Assuming there is no DNC fuckery this time around, we will be announcing the victory of President Bernie Sanders in about a year and a half. 


Friday, February 15, 2019

Ilhan Omar is My New Hero

I am so freaking proud of Rep. Ilhan Omar. I love everything she’s doing right now, and I hope she doesn’t let the smears and disingenuous attacks slow her down. She’s doing everything that we have been wishing progressive politicians would do for YEARS. 

First example was her calling out ISRAEL (not Jewish people, which the establishment loves to conflate). She stated plainly that AIPAC has had a corrupting influence over United States politicians for some time now. She stated that Israel (not Jewish people) is committing atrocities against the Palestinians with U.S. support, and they have the world blinded. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Then, she called out Elliot Abrams for all of his various war crimes throughout the past few decades, including Iran-Contra (which HW Bush pardoned him for), and a slew of coup’s in South America. War crimes, civilian casualties, theft of natural resources? He’s about that life, and for the first time, he was called out in Congress and he couldn’t answer for his actions. It was beautiful.

People like IlhanTulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and (Michigan’s own JRashida Talib are bringing the entire Overton window back to the left, they are actually representing a TRUE left wing ideology that would help our country in a tremendous way if their ideas can be implemented. 

For the first time since Tiny Hands got elected, I feel somewhat optimistic about the future of American politics.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

State of the Union Address 2019

So last night, The President of People who Consider Kraft Mac and Cheese a Meal, Donald Trump, gave the State of the Union address. What did he do? What did he say? The same shit he always says. EVERYTHING and NOTHING.

A lot of his message seemed to be about lowering healthcare and medicine prices, even though he is against Medicare for all. He brought out a little girl who had to crowd fund $40,000 for cancer treatments, because, we don’t have Medicare for all, which he doesn’t want. He talked about “eliminating AIDS/HIV in 10 years”, and tackling childhood cancers. What’s he gonnado about all this? He’s still talking that same “erase the statelines, increase the competition for insurance companies” bullshit that all republican politicians talk about. Which ultimately would result in all the insurance companies just going to the state that charges the lowest tax rate, and then….nothing else changes. 
He also advised us, his wonderful constituency, of his plans to “withdraw” from Afghanistan and Syria (which he basically took back within the same sentence if you’re listening close). He said he wanted to stay in Iraq to “watch Iran”, and he wanted to do “counter-terror intelligence” in Afghanistan, which basically means, we ain’t going anywhere. All the “great nations don’t do endless wars” shit he was talking is clearly a lie. Like most things Trump says.

As expected, he fear mongered telling anecdotal stories about undocumented immigrants committing violent crimes (which statistically happen less frequently than those crimes of natural born citizens), and thusly, promoting his favorite easy to get around/under/over piece of building structure, the wall.

In addition to this terrible stuff, we also heard him endorse the privatization of schools. Yeah, Trump’s a charter school guy. 

Then there was just an obnoxiously long tongue bath that several older troops and police officers received by President Tiny Hands. Oh so much pomp and circumstance. The EmEffer also had the nerve to forget multiple common sayings to close out his speech (which I just thought was funny), but overall, he said nothing that we didn’t already know, sprinkled in with some crazy lies, but again, this is normal for 45. 

Hopefully we will only have to listen to one more of these SOTU speeches from him, and the first one after he is no longer the Prez is either being given from Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie Sanders. We can only hope.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Corey Booker is running for President

Corey Booker is running for President. Who didn’t see this coming? I knew he was gonna run for President when he was doing all those passionate speeches about how he was “seething with anger” regarding Donald “Human Version of Unseasoned chicken” Trump over his “shithole countries” remarks. When I saw all the praise that establishment media was giving him, I knew this day was coming. 

So let’s examine some of his record, and see if Corey “Barack Obama 2” Booker is a worthy recipient of the PROGRESSIVE vote. 

According to one of my favorite online magazines, The Root(which sometimes glosses over the negative sides of people like Booker and Kamala Harris a little more than they should), Booker has some issues that need to be addressed:
But Booker has his own critics; he has similarly been called out for disingenuous behavior and pandering, and he’s gotten heat in the past for accepting Wall Street money (he’s since expressed opposition to taking funding from super PACs) and voting against a bill that would make prescription drugs more affordable, after which he pivoted and supported a similar bill, citing consumer protections for the initial decision.

So, he’s flip-flops his positions when convenient, which is not a good sign that he would fight for anything if his attitude towards major policies can be swayed so easily. However, that’s not all that makes me nervous about dude. Let’s continue.

According to The Atlantic:
As mayor of Newark, New Jersey, he drew criticism from liberal allies for embracing charter schools and voucher programs advocated by libertarians. He also championed ‘enterprise zones,’ a free-market approach to solving urban blight credited to the late Jack Kemp, a hard-core supply-sider and occasional Republican presidential contender who helped raise money for Booker's first mayoral campaign."

So, in other words he’s in favor of privatizing education. Doesn’t seem very “progressive”, but let’s keep going.

According to his own website, he says “Iran poses a threat to American and Israeli security. He wants all options, including military action, that prevents Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.” So he’s OK with Military intervention in Iran if he thinks they have access to nukes. Got it. Even though he ultimately backed the Iran deal implemented by President Obama, that’s still problematic to say the least. 

Now, with all that said. He’s actually on the right side of basically all the important other issues. He’s pro-Medicare for all, pro-Afghanistan/Iraq withdrawal, pro-gay rights, anti-drug war, and pro-criminal justice reform, in rhetoric. His voting record basically matches up, which is a great thing.

I’m slightly less skeptical of him than I am of Kamala Harris, who I view as a much more flawed candidate. I think Corey Booker would be my 3rd choice based on who has announced so far. Number 1 being Tulsi Gabbard, 2 being Elizabeth Warren, 3 being Corey Booker, 4 being Kamala Harris, and 5 being Kirsten Gillibrand. Shift everyone’s number down a slot if Bernie jumps in.