Friday, February 15, 2019

Ilhan Omar is My New Hero

I am so freaking proud of Rep. Ilhan Omar. I love everything she’s doing right now, and I hope she doesn’t let the smears and disingenuous attacks slow her down. She’s doing everything that we have been wishing progressive politicians would do for YEARS. 

First example was her calling out ISRAEL (not Jewish people, which the establishment loves to conflate). She stated plainly that AIPAC has had a corrupting influence over United States politicians for some time now. She stated that Israel (not Jewish people) is committing atrocities against the Palestinians with U.S. support, and they have the world blinded. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Then, she called out Elliot Abrams for all of his various war crimes throughout the past few decades, including Iran-Contra (which HW Bush pardoned him for), and a slew of coup’s in South America. War crimes, civilian casualties, theft of natural resources? He’s about that life, and for the first time, he was called out in Congress and he couldn’t answer for his actions. It was beautiful.

People like IlhanTulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, AOC, and (Michigan’s own JRashida Talib are bringing the entire Overton window back to the left, they are actually representing a TRUE left wing ideology that would help our country in a tremendous way if their ideas can be implemented. 

For the first time since Tiny Hands got elected, I feel somewhat optimistic about the future of American politics.

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