Thursday, February 28, 2019

Question for Team MAGA

I have some questions for the MAGA people out there.

Not the people who voted for Trump and either are indifferent now or are no longer actively supporting him. I’m asking those who currently, as of February 28th, 2019, still think Trump is goodHere goes:

If someone who was sued (and settled out of court) by the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division for discriminating against black and Hispanic (potential) tenants, how do you describe this behavior?

If a man was elected President and just so happened to be the first Black American to do so, who was born in Hawaii which is a state in the United States, and a second man constantly said that he wasn’t born here (with no evidence other than a foreign sounding name), but the second man NEVER did this to ANY other President, how would you describe this thought process?

If 5 young black Americans were convicted of rape, and then DNA evidence PROVED that they weren’t the ones who committed this crime, and the same second man from my previous statement continued calling for the death penalty EVEN THOUGH THE CONVICTION WAS OVERTURNED BY DNA EVIDENCE, how would you describe his sentiment towards black Americans?   

If a person states that he wants to ban an entire group of people from his country, called the countries that the majority of said group live in “shitholes”, and is focused on a border wall to keep out Hispanic immigrants (even though about half of undocumented immigrants achieve that status due to visa overstays, and a lesser known fat is more visa overstays occur from Canadians, not Hispanic people), what would you say is the main motivation here? 

If your conclusion is anything other than ethnicity, race, skin color, or any other way you can say it, then you are either being willfully blind, you simply don’t care about bigotry as much as you care about other issues, or you are also a racist. There is literally no other explanation. If you disagree with my assessment, then I don’t know what to tell you. I guess bigotry isn’t a thing outside of saying the N-word to a black person with the hard ER. Nothing else is racist apparently, if the above 4 questions didn’t qualify.

Make America Great Again. Like when blacks had no rights. Wasn’t it awesome? 

In the words of my man YG…”Fuck Donald Trump.”

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