Wednesday, March 20, 2019

God Hates You, But I’m Not Judging

So a former middle school associate of mine turned pastor posted a status on Facebook today, basically saying “Hey if you’re gay, I don’t hate you, but God does.” That’s definitely a paraphrase, but it’s pretty much accurate. 

Under the post, several people commented, most agreeing with him, and a few that did not. I of course, was one who did not. I pointed out the book of Leviticus (which is the most often cited verse condemning LGBTQ people) also condemns eating shellfish, wearing a mix of two fabrics at the same time, cutting your hair, or shaving your face

The majority of Christians who I debate about this issue all pivot to the same point. “Leviticus is the Old Testament, we follow the New Testament now because Jesus brought the new covenant.” 

I just want to say, that this is the most ridiculous argument ever. EVER. The reason being, that when you go to church, why do pastors still teach LESSONS out of the Old Testament? They never teach it as if it’s simply the history of what was going on before Jesus arrived and fixed all his Dad’s mistakes. They present them as if there are valid lessons that still apply in today’s society. So that negates the whole “that’s old bro, we on a new type of time now” argument.

The other thing I want to bring up is the fact Jesus literally NEVER said anything about gay people. He didn’t condemn it, he didn’t support it, he completely left the topic alone altogether. As a matter of fact, there were only 6 references in the entire New Testament, and it was Paul, not Jesus who spoke about gay people. 

Final thing, people say it’s wrong because it is impossible to produce life through gay sex. Let’s accept that premise (even though there’s adoption, artificial insemination, and plenty of other ways for LGBTQ people to have children). So by that standard, should heterosexual people who have medical issues that prevent them from producing children not be allowed to have sex? Are old people who still get it in sinners? What about people who are married, were both virgins and waited until marriage to have sex, but choose not to have children and use condoms? Are they sinning too? This is dumb.

I’m not saying whether or not you should believe in God, Jesus, religion, or any of that. That’s on you to figure out the truth for yourselves. All I’m here to do is make you aware of one of MANY things in the book that’s premise falls apart with even the slightest bit of scrutiny. In other words, a lot of this shit makes no sense when you really think about it.

Final Final thought, as a straight man, I believe it is my responsibility to treat sexual/gender minorities with respect, dignity, and to show others that they deserve everything that we take for granted. 

Also, stop saying things like “You’re going to hell, God hates what you’re doing, but I’m not judging.” 
Yes the fuck you are.

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