Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Money in Politics

Sorry about the lack of posts, but ya boy just got a new apartment with my brother, so I been moving, working, and still trying to keep up with all the f*ck sh*t going on in society. I have plenty to write about, so strap in.

First, Trump vetoed the joint resolution to end the unconstitutional war in Yemen. Anybody surprised? 
Second, I’ve been helping my lady friend write an essay for a college course, and our subject is “Campaign Finance Reform”, and I’ve actually learned way more than I already knew, and boy oh boy is it worse than I thought. 

Third, RIP Nipsey. Do you all see the positive change that has happened since his untimely passing? The Bloods, Brim’s, and Piru’s are all on one accord, the Neighborhood/Gangster Crip sets have squashed issues that have been going on since the 70’s, and both sides have decided to attempt peace. They have marched together down Slauson (Nip’s NeighborHood), and people from all sides have been at the memorial in front of the Marathon Clothing Store, where Hussle was murdered by a snitch from his own set. 

Let’s get into the campaign finance reform though, as I had a pretty good grasp on how it worked when it comes to the obvious (I do secret speeches for industries and then vote for policy in favor of said industries, or certain industries/interest groups give me a lot of money for my campaign and then I vote in favor of said industries/interest groups), but I forgot all about dark money. 
All those ads from random, ambiguous groups that “aren’t affiliated” with any campaign, but have a clear agenda of producing negative ads, often times outright lies and smears, against a particular political party, movement or candidate. 
According to the always trustworthy Wikipedia:
In the politics of the United Statesdark money refers to political spending by nonprofit organizations—for example, 501(c)(4) (social welfare) 501(c)(5) (unions) and 501(c)(6) (trade association) groups—that are not required to disclose their donors.[3][4] Such organizations can receive unlimited donations from corporations, individuals and unions. In this way, their donors can spend funds to influence elections, without voters knowing where the money came from. Dark money first entered politics with Buckley v. Valeo (1976) when the United States Supreme Court laid out Eight Magic Words that define the difference between electioneering and issue advocacy.

In that paragraph, the key phrase is “are not required to disclose their donors.” Meaning, if I want to donate Millions and Millions of dollars to a specific Super PAC who is endorsing a specific candidate, I can do that and it’s NOT illegal. Remember, the cap to donate to politicians directly is $2,700. So, although Super PACs TECHNICALLY are not allowed to coordinate directly with the campaigns of the candidates, if you think that ISN’T happening, you are simply just naïve. 
So then what happens? Billions of dollars get spent by un-named, un-elected rich muhfuggas on ads, and that money often times is the clearest indicator of who is going to win an election. Why is this important? Because if we don’t know who is essentially controlling all of the money in politics, then we can’t know who is expecting favors from public officials. Hence the Princeton University study that concluded that the United States functions more as an oligarchy than a democracy

So what do we do with this? You can join Wolf-PAC, whose whole purpose is trying to create a constitutional amendment to get money out of politics. You can run for office or help to support members of Justice DemocratsOur RevolutionPCCC, and many more organizations who’s whole purpose is rejecting big money contributions and working towards clean, publicly financed elections. Only then, will policy match the polling data regarding what the American people want. Until then, the top 1% will continue to run sh*t.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Hypocrisy on the Left Wing

REAL QUICK: Before we get into the blog, just want to issue a retraction from my last post. In the beginning I offered condolences to Philadelphia battle rapper Tech 9, as it was reported he “passed away” in his sleep. Turns out he was facing 10 charges of child pornography, sexual contact with minors, and other various crimes in the same vein. So, ignore all the positive stuff I said about Tech. 


OK, back to politics.

I have questions.
I have questions for people who love Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (which they should), but dislike Bernie Sanders. I have questions for people who defend Joe Biden and the 4 (and counting) allegations of inappropriate behavior dealing with women, but made a huge deal about the same allegations against CAMPAIGN MEMBERS of Bernie Sanders (not Bernie, who was unaware at the time but when made aware instantly made it right). I have questions for people who have NOT called out Corey Booker for his answer on reparations (spoiler: he’s not for them), but jump on Bernie’s back when he HONESTLY says he isn’t for that policy but offers other policies he believes will be more efficient. 
In my best Joe Budden voice, “Whussup witchall man?”

Y’all know that AOC’s platform is based on Bernie’s, right? So, policy wise, they line up almost perfectly. They might have differences in percentages for certain policies when it comes to taxes and things of that nature, but the GOAL is the same. Tax the wealthy more, spread that money around into programs that help regular people, regulate big businesses and Wall Street, Medicare for All, publicly funded college, Green New Deal, etc. You guys all know this. So it’s very weird to me when I read publications that are “left wing” that do their best to shit on Bernie, but then praise AOC. Again, she deserves the praise, but it’s still cognitive dissonance at its finest. 

Joe Biden has been touchy feely with way too many women and female children for YEARS, and now that it’s actually being called out in the media, all the centrist Democrat lovers are doing their absolute best to defend him as “that’s just Joe being Joe.” Nah slime. That’s not gonna fly, especially in 2019 when we are aware of the different levels of harassment and we are way more aware of our behavior (us being men/males.) But Bernie had campaign workers who were being inappropriate, and as soon as Bernie was made aware, those people were gone. But, Bernie’s worse, right?

And then all these reparations smears, basically acting as if he is the ONLY candidate that doesn’t support giving cash payments to black Americans. That’s completely false. Cory Booker supports baby bonds for ALL American born new-born babies, not just black people. Kamala Harris supports funding for mental health treatment as a form of reparations, so…not reparations. Bernie is just the only one to flat out say the word “No”, rather than acting as if something that isn’t reparations is. Now he does have policy goals that will help fund HBCU’s, inner city programs, plus the whole Medicare for All/Publicly Funded College/Publicly Funded Daycare plan, which obviously would free up a lot of black people to work and be able to pursue higher education, which ultimately would put us in better position. 

Final thoughts, keep that same energy. Don’t diss Bernie for doing something and then act as if it’s OK when someone else does. That is called hypocrisy.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Too Many Candidates

A lot has happened since my last post. I’m gonna open this by saying Long Live Nipsey Hussle and Long Live Tech 9, you both will be truly missed.

In addition to this, approximately 47,398,675 new candidates have announced their run for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. I want to keep this simple.


My Mom asked me what I thought about Stacy Abrams. My answer was “We don’t need anyone else to run for President.” The majority of the candidates are running on one of two platforms. There’s the “I mostly agree with Bernie” platform (Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, to a lesser degree Andrew Yang), and there’s the “I will talk the Bernie talk and walk the Hillary walk” platform (Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Biden, etc.) 

If there is any more people who want to run, wait until 2024. The race is plenty crowded, and we don’t need a bunch of people parroting ideas they think the American people want to hear if they don’t have a plan to implement them. Kamala Harris has been saying that she wants to legalize cannabis, even though her entire record is full of arresting people for said “crime”. Corey Booker is saying he won’t take big money donations anymore, even though his entire career he has. See how their rhetoric changes with the wave? 

We don’t need any fake lefties running, trying to sway the publics opinion with talking points that they have no plan to implement. Which is what this is. We need the genuine thing. 
OR even better…