Monday, April 1, 2019

Too Many Candidates

A lot has happened since my last post. I’m gonna open this by saying Long Live Nipsey Hussle and Long Live Tech 9, you both will be truly missed.

In addition to this, approximately 47,398,675 new candidates have announced their run for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States. I want to keep this simple.


My Mom asked me what I thought about Stacy Abrams. My answer was “We don’t need anyone else to run for President.” The majority of the candidates are running on one of two platforms. There’s the “I mostly agree with Bernie” platform (Tulsi Gabbard, Elizabeth Warren, to a lesser degree Andrew Yang), and there’s the “I will talk the Bernie talk and walk the Hillary walk” platform (Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Joe Biden, etc.) 

If there is any more people who want to run, wait until 2024. The race is plenty crowded, and we don’t need a bunch of people parroting ideas they think the American people want to hear if they don’t have a plan to implement them. Kamala Harris has been saying that she wants to legalize cannabis, even though her entire record is full of arresting people for said “crime”. Corey Booker is saying he won’t take big money donations anymore, even though his entire career he has. See how their rhetoric changes with the wave? 

We don’t need any fake lefties running, trying to sway the publics opinion with talking points that they have no plan to implement. Which is what this is. We need the genuine thing. 
OR even better…

1 comment:

  1. I agree. One of the looked over reasons hitler rose to power so quickly is that there were so many parties on the German left. They argued and argued while the right was united and swept over them.
