Friday, August 23, 2019

The Republicans Have to Get Off Koch

David Koch's death should make NOBODY sad outside of his family.

I'm not saying we should celebrate it, but I don't want to hear about his philanthropy efforts through the arts or any of that bullshit. let's talk about who he REALLY was. 

He was the real life leader of the Republican party. 

He was never involved in politics in any official capacity. Ever. However, don't you find it funny that his name always pops up in political conversation? Here's why.

The man was worth $58.7 Billion. Koch Industries (with brother Charles) lobbied the entire Republican party at every level of government for YEARS. What did we get out of it? Extremely low taxes for corporations and the class of people who have at least six zeroe's after the 1 in their bank account (a million guys, keep up.) Extreme income and wealth inequality. CEO's who make on average 280 dollars to the average employee's $1. Funded climate science denial thinktanks. Lobbied against unions. Lobbied against gun reform. Lobbied to lossen environmental regulations. Lobbied against public transit. There's more, but I think you get the picture.

Any person who has enough money to lobby all these different causes and never has to run for a government position has way too much power. Billionaires are almsot by definition detrimental to society. This particular billionaire happened to not only be a detriment BECAUSE he had that much wealth, but he also turned that money into power by buying off the entire republican party. 

Good riddance Dave. We won't miss you. 

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