Sunday, September 8, 2019

Science Is Always The Way to the Truth

Let's talk science.

We all use cell phones, check the weather, drive cars, fly on airplanes, use electricity in our home, go to the doctor when we are sick, etc. There are many more everyday uses of this process to acertain the nature of reality. Breathing for one (we all accept that we need oxygen to survive), cooking meat (we know and accept the reality that a certain temperature will kill off the harmful bacteria in the meat, which will prevent us from becoming sick), stuff like that. However, when it comes to very specific things, for some reason, many of us lose faith in what the scientists say. Even though without them, we wouldn't know anything. 

1. Climate Change - even though over 97% of climate scientists on earth all agree that climate change is warming the planet and it is largely man-made, for some reason (cough - fossil fuel corporations-cough) we refuse to do anything substantial to deal with it. It's ALMOST like rich people who won't be around for the devastating effects of climate change don't care about what happens after they die with their millions...

2. Religion - if somebody told you today, in 2019, that they were swallowed whole by a large fish and survived for 3 days, and then escaped the whale, would you believe them?  If someone told you they had a literal verbal conversation with a snake, would you take it serious? If somebody told you they saw a 3 headed dragon with red skin, would you ask what movie they saw or would you assume that they were speaking about a real-life incident? If one of your BEST friends told you they had a grandparent that lived to 900 years old, would you laugh or would you treat the conversation as if it was real? These are all stories that are in the Bible and taken as truth by a large number of Christians. The same Christians who believe science in almost all other instances, except when it contradicts what's in their "holy" book. 

3. LGBTQ issues - there are many observable behaviors in the animal kingdom that show homosexual and bi-sexual relationships. Penguins, chimpanzees, dogs, and many other species come to mind. If this was REALLY some sort of choice or reaction based on past experiences (as I've heard many anti-LGBTQ advocates say), then why are non-human animals doing it too? Did the devil influence them too? Did they learn the behavior from us? Or MAYBE...just's natural?  Also, the idea of trans-people can be shown in nature as well. According to, there are at least 7 "gender-bending" animals, some of which include Lions, Spotted Hyenas, and Clownfish. Weird, if this was a human concept that only humans dealt with because "choice" or "something in your past made you that way", then explain that to the lions, because I guess they didn't get the memo. 

4. Evolution - granted, it's a very difficult subject to understand, which is why I think so many people don't believe it's true. To think that a single celled organism eventually created all life that we on the planet today, is incredibly hard to believe. However, if you want to see this phenomenon in the modern day, there are a few examples. Take a domestic pig, let the little pink, sort of ugly sort of cute animal in the wild for a few weeks. I guarantee you will not recognize that pig the next time you seem them, as it will have grown tusks, become hairy, and also become very aggressive. Then there's the fox experiment (, where a scientist basically took the tamest foxes from an original group, and only bred the tamest puppies from each litter. Within 40 years, each generation of fox had floppier ears, curlier tails, whined when the human they were closest with left them alone, and even flipped on their backs to ask for belly rubs. What does that behavior remind you of? Domestic dogs. Another example of modern day evolution you can see with your own eyes is from this site To make a really long story short, in 1971 a group of researchers took 10 Italian wall lizards from their home island of Pod Kopiste and moved them to a neighboring island called Pod Mrcaru. After about 36 years, the lizards they orignally brought were no more, and a completely new species of lizard had inhabited the island. Still not convinced? I got one more. In this article, they explain "Birds on an island in the Indian Ocean evolved flightlessness twice. On Aldabra, in the Seychelles, lives the last surviving native flightless bird in the Indian Ocean. But fossil evidence has revealed that the Aldabra rail lost the ability to fly not only once, but twice." Basically what the article goes on to explain is that a bird species from Madagascar flew to a remote island, where over time they lost the ability to fly. They went "extinct" doe to sea-level rise. However, the original species of bird still exists in madagascar, and a separate group of birds (same species) for whatever reason took a flight to the same island. And guess what happened next? After a few generation, these birds also lost the ability to fly. WHAT OTHER EXPLANATION DO YOU HAVE OTHER THAN NATURAL SELECTION AKA EVOLUTION?

So guys, let's trust science in ALL of it's aspects, not just the oens that are convenient for us so we can excercise cognitave dissonance. Being purposely ignorant to easily proveable facts helps nobody, and ultimately may destroy the entire planet. So, get it together guys. 

1 comment:

  1. As usual very insightful. You're sure to piss off the religious sect though but you know I'm with you.
