Monday, October 7, 2019

Unpopular Opinion About Syria


Here I go with the unpopular opinion of the day. 

I agree with Donald Trump pulling our troops out of Syria. 

I know, I know. He’s such a trash President that it is really reallyeasy to find something wrong with anything that he does. However, in THIS instance? He is correct.

Why is it a good thing to remove our troops from Syria? Simply put, we don’t need to be involved with wars going on in the middle east, ESPECIALLY WHEN WE WERE ORIGNALLY ON BOTH SIDES OF THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR with the CIA backing one side, and the Pentagon backing their enemies. How can we honestly say that our involvement in a CIVIL WAR makes sense? Sending OUR troops to go die overseas because…..I’ve got nothing.

Why is it a bad thing for us to bounce? According to 
Late on Sunday night, the Trump administration made a surprise announcement that it would pull back its remaining forces in Northern Syria and allow Turkish troops to commence a long-planned “operation” in the region. This operation is almost certainly going to look more like an invasion, as critics of Trump’s foreign policy say it gives Turkey carte blanche to wage war on its political enemies, namely the Syrian and Turkish ethnic Kurds who have controlled the region with U.S. support for years.” 

Will this be really tough for the Kurds? Yes. Is that sad? Yes. Do I feel bad for them as human beings? Absolutely. What I don’t feel however, is that this conflict is in any way OUR responsibility to solve. This is between THEM. I truly go by the ‘non-interventionist/defensive violence only’ philosophy, so under that ideology, name a country that we are currently engaged in war with (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Niger, Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen) that threatened us or attacked us first? You are correct if your answer was zero. The only attack we faced was from Al-Qaeda, which isn’t a country, but an organization that has ties to several Middle Eastern countries. The people from Al-Qaeda who were on the plane? Saudi Arabian. Yet, they (Saudi Arabia) are one of our biggest allies, so out of all the countries we’re currently bombing, the one who ACTUALLY had the most ties to the attackers is still getting our backing. The whole reason we are supposed to be there was to murk Bin Laden and Sadaam. Mission accomplished. So…..what does Syria have to do with all this?

“The details are emerging of a new secret and quite stupid Saudi-US deal on Syria and the so-called ISIS. It involves oil and gas control of the entire region and the weakening of Russia and Iran by Saudi Arabian flooding the world market with cheap oil. Details were concluded in the September meeting by US Secretary of State John Kerry and the Saudi King. The unintended consequence will be to push Russia even faster to turn east to China and Eurasia.”

So, this is what it’s REALLY all about. The pipeline and the petrodollar. Big shock right? The U.S.A was/is involved with all these oil rich countries because money. So, if anyone who acts like we were there to help the Kurds and be humanitarians, is simply naïve. 

So yeah, even though ultimately there will be hard times for the Kurds in the near future, if we don’t get out now, we’ll be there 18 years later….

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