Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Hillary Might Support Trump Over Bernie Sanders

Hillary Clinton is trying to give us another 4 years of Donald Trump.

Well, that seems to be her goal anyway. By going out of her way to smear Bernie Sanders, still claiming he ruined her campaign by exposing her as super duper corrupt participating in democracy and running against her in the 2016 Democratic Primary, and saying (with absolutely no evidence) that he encourages his supporters to be sexist and misogynistic against Elizabeth Warren and formerly Kamala Harris, she is helping to fuel the non-sense that Elizabeth Warren started last week. 

I have huge problems with this. First of all, regardless if we acknowledge (and this blog definitely DOES) that Hillary and the DNC heavily swayed the primary in her favor through various methods in an unfair attempt to defeat Bernie, the bottom line is she won the primary. She “beat” Bernie Sanders. 

And then she lost to Donald Trump.

She is STILL blaming Bernie for her loss to Donald Trump, even though he did 39 events on her behalf AFTER he “lost” the primary. 

She said he was a Russian on Howard Stern. She still continues to push the narrative that only men like Bernie Sanders and that all of the men who like Bernie Sanders hate women. This terrible excuse for a democrat also said that she wasn’t sure if she would support Bernie Sanders over Trump in the general. Donald Trump. The guy you said made your “skin crawl.” The guy who harasses women and brags about it. The man who vociferously attacked your husband during debates. You aren’t sure if you’ll support Bernie Sanders, the most liked Senator in the country (despite Hillary saying that nobody likes him, which is hilarious because…again, you lost to Trump) over THAT guy? 

I’m only doing this article to show you guys why I did NOT vote for her in 2016. This is who she is. And now that many of her advisors are working with Elizabeth Warren, and the sleaze ball attacks at Bernie have all come within two weeks’ time, it’s ALMOST like there’s some sort of coordination between the Democratic Establishment, the Media and Elizabeth Warren’s campaign. I mean, Bernie is showing as the CLEAR front runner in Iowa for the caucus, so it couldn’t be that the corporate democrats are starting to panic and resort to dirty politics to try and screw him again, could it?

Nah, I’m sure it’s not that. I’m sure it’s more likely than Bernie Sanders has been faking his record for the past 40 years and has been standing up for all marginalized people just so that he can turn right around and be the opposite person….WHILE HE’S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. 

Yeah, that’s it. 

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