Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Young Voters Are Very Smart

I love millennials and generation Z people. I really do.
You guys seem to get it. When it comes to politics, we really know what’s going on. More than our parents ever did, more than that know-it-all cousin who you get into political and/or religious debates with at Thanksgiving, and more than most news sites apparently. 
I say this because it seems like ever since Donald Trump got elected, the Democratic side of the spectrum have been non-stop pumping up identity politics and respectability politics over policy. Now, while most of the right wing ignores or flat out vilifies anyone who isn’t white, a man who identifies as such, is straight and is a Christian, the “left wing” (heavy Dr. Evil air quotes here) has been using the struggles of racial/sexual/gender minorities for cynical purposes. 
Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren are perfect examples of this. They LOVE using the “woman” card whenever it’s convenient, or whenever it places the person they are debating in a situation where if you disagree then you look misogynistic. However, my question to them is, how does your being a woman get me Universal Health Care and tuition Free College? How does the fact that you are a woman (and that fact alone) fix the climate crisis? How do your ovaries and vagina help to end the wars?
This is the type of stuff millennials and gen-z’rs are focused on. We know there is realistically only ONE candidate who will fight for these things unapologetically. Everyone else in the running for the Democratic nomination has folded in one way or another on all of those key issues. And I’m isolating the young voters for a reason. Older voters seem to care more about how a politicians makes them feel rather than the work they do. All of the democratic media websites focus on how old and white Bernie is, and how racist and sexist America is because we won’t choose a woman or person of color for our nominee.

Maybe because the oldest white guy in the race has POLICY PROPOSALS AND PLANS that will actually help to fix the issues in minority communities WHILE ALSO helping out rural white communities.  Some people see this as a negative (cough The Root cough), whereas us youngin’s see this as smart strategy. No President will be able to do anything for minorities if white people don’t help get him elected. It’s just a fact. So, purposely pushing policy agendas that ONLY focus on helping black and brown people and ignoring the rest of workers is simply unintelligent. It seems that the Gen-X and Millenialcrowd gets this, which is why we put all of our hope into the oldest white guy running. His policy ideas will help all the communities democrats claim to care for, while everyone else will just make you (older voters) feel good because…it just does. 

Besides, who wouldn’t want to see Nina Turner in the White House standing next to Bernard in some capacity talking that talk that you only hear at black churches? 


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