Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Famous Black Conservatives are Puppets

Candace Owens. Kanye West. Ben Carson. Colion Noir. Jim Brown. Alan Keyes. Stacey Dash. Herman Cain. What do all of these people have in common besides weak dap?

They are black/African-American/Melanated conservatives. And not just fiscally conservative (which we call ‘cheap’ in the regular black community) or socially conservative because of religion (like most black folks to be real). They are straight up right wingers who will beat the drum for war, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, removing social safety net programs, gun anarchy, anti-women’s health rights; you know, everything right wingers in the USA love. 

What confuses me about them, is even though they say things like “Black Lives Matter is not oppressed” but then claim they are victims of racism when ANTIFA protesters simply say things they don’t like at coffee shops. They always act as if racism is purely a thing of the past that black people hold onto because we’re just lazier than white people, until somebody does something they have an issue with, then they pull it out the bag. It’s almost like they know racism exists, but they don’t want to acknowledge it because it will push away the wypipo that support them.

I just want everyone above named to know that you are being used as a puppet. Faux Fox News loves bringing these people on so they can say “See? We aren’t racist. Even the blacks say it!” It’s basically when they have Milo Snuffleupagus spew anti-gay rhetoric so they can say “See? We don’t hate the gays, even the gay dude says it!”

This is a trick the right wing has been using forever. Take a person from whatever group you don’t like (for Hispanics we have Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, for women just pick any Fox News host, you get where I’m going) to spew hateful rhetoric about said group to absolve themselves from all scrutiny.  Here’s the thing about it though.

It has never worked, nor will it.

What the majority of us (black people) do is just stop inviting them to the barbeque. We write them off and just assume they are now with the otha side. So when you hear these people say “The problem isn’t black people being disproportionately murdered by police, the problem is black on black crime!”, ignoring the fact that black people go to jail and face actual punishment for our killings, whereas police RARELY do or “Black people vote democrat because of welfare”, which was a talking point created by Ronald Raegan which was based on lies, just remember that they are either purposely ignoring reality, or at best, extremely ignorant of the facts. Either way, you aren’t doing any damage to anyone other than yourselves when you are inevitably cast aside when they are done using you (I see you Stacey Dash).
Black people don’t need to be loyal to the Democratic Party considering they have been failing us for the past 30 years, but that DOES NOT MEAN we should vote republican. It means we need to vote based on the candidate and their policies, rather than party affiliation.  

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