Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Young Buck and LGBTQ+ Bigotry

Alright y’all, we gotta talk about this Young Buck situation.

First and foremost, this entire situation shows how much more progress we still need to make in the area of LGBTQ+ bigotry. It also shows that protecting people’s privacy is very important, and any acts to “expose” others typically have a pretty negative backlash. So where do we start?

The first audio leaked is Young Buck on the phone with Glamour Mizz, a transgender woman who put out footage on her Instagram page performing a sexual act on a man, who was later identified as Buck Marely AKA Buck Shots AKA Young Buck of GGGG-Unit. At no point in this clip do you see Buck’s face or any other identifying physical characteristics. It’s just a dude wearing a coat who looks as if he is about to receive some oral pleasure. The reason we know this is actually Mr. Buck is because the audio leak of a phone call, where you can hear Young Buck and Glamour Mizz discussing taking the video down. 

As you can hear from this first call, Buck is almost threatening Glamour and saying that people are getting shot, people are getting hurt, and it’s all because she leaked this phone call and now he has to essentially fix the damage. At this point, another Tennessee dude named “Cookup Boss” began capitalizing off of the controversy. He began releasing many Instagram videos clowning Buck for being with what they call “a punk.” Apparently this is a slur for transgendered folks that I never heard before this past month. I digress…

Young Buck then challenged Cookup to a “fade” (a scrap, a fistfight, a beatdown) for making comments on the situation. In this video, he also adamantly denies being with Ms. Mizz or even knowing her.

There is a second phone call that leaked, and this is the one that actually made me sad for everyone involved. You can hear Buck CRYING as he is begging and pleading with Glamour to take the video down. He even offers to pay her $2000 in exchange for a statement in which she would tell the world her page got hacked, she doesn’t know Buck, and that it is NOT him in the video. They are both yelling at each other throughout the call, and for so many reasons I feel terrible for everyone involved, except Cookup

Now that you have the backstory, I have questions for Glamour and Young Buck, as well as some general points I feel need to be made.
1. Glamour, why would you put a video of yourself doing anything sexual with anybody on Instagram? What ever happened to keeping your private lives private? Too many people in your business and things always get messy.
2. Young Buck, if it’s not true, which you repeatedly went on Instagram proclaiming, why are you offering to pay her to take the video down?
3. Glamour, you recently stated that you plan on “exposing” more rappers/entertainers. What is there to expose if you don’t think there is anything wrong with being trans (which there isn’t for the record)? Why do you continue to threaten to expose people if there is nothing wrong with what you’re doing?
4. Buck, you’re in a gang. For anyone who understands gang culture, it is a sad reality that the majority of gang affiliates are bigoted AF when it comes to the GBTQ+ community (I left the L off on purpose because most hood dudes/street guys are cool with Lesbians.) You should either drop your flag or not participate in ANYTHING that you will have to ask people to lie and cover up later. 
5. The YouTube comments are outrageous. It is extremely clear to me that so many people still don’t understand what it means to be transgender, and as a result are calling Young Buck gay. Trans people are not “tricking” people for fun, they actually identify with the opposite gender as their biological sex. It would almost be as if I, as a straight male who identifies as a man, was forced to wear a dress, lipstick and heels every day. I would be so out of my element and incredibly uncomfortable, I would be miserable.  Same with trans people who aren’t able to live as the gender they truly feel they are.
6. Glamour, you aren’t helping the cause. By feeding into the “I’m gonna expose these rappers” narrative, you actually take away from the fight that trans people, such as my friend Brianna Westbrook are partaking in. If at some point we want the world to acknowledge trans women = women and trans men = men, then “exposing” rappers as “gay” when they engage sexually with you hurts the cause. 

There is still a lot of progress which needs to be made, and unfortunately, people continue to feed into a narrative that is not only incorrect, but dangerous when trans people are already targets for violence.

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