Monday, October 15, 2018

If Democrats Want to Win Elections

If any elected Democrats are reading this, I have one bit of advice for you if you plan to win these mid-terms and the next Presidential race in 2020. It’s going to sound crazy, but hear me out. 


There are several reasons why this strategy is failing and less than 1% of the American public even care about this.  I’m gonna list all of the reasons below. 

Also, if you watch CNN, MSNBC, The Young Turks, David Pakman, or Sam Sedar, then prepare to have your mind blown as I debunk all this Russia nonsense.

1. Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Flaw was Her Ties to Russia

Sounds far-fetched? It’s not. You can read this very informative Washington Post article for full details, but the gist of it is this. The Clinton Foundation took a $150,000,000 bribe….excuse me, I mean “donation” from the Kremlin, Bill Clinton received over $500,000 into his personal account, also from the Kremlin, and then relatively soon after the Russian government was granted 20% of ALL uranium production out of the United States. You can probably see why that looks shady.

Also, just a quick side note, remember all that hoopla about Jill Stein being a “Russian puppet” because she was shown in a picture sitting at a table with Puti Pie? How about these?


Now, to a rational person, these are just pictures from various meetings. But if we’re gonna keep the same energy, then being in a picture with someone means you are somehow participating in a nefarious scheme with them. You see why this is a bad argument? Let’s move on.

2. Democrats are blaming Trump for the exact same thing Hillary did.

Remember the whole “Trump colluded with Russia by trying to set up a meeting between his son and a Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary” thing? Yeah, here’s the issue with that. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been exposed with ACTUAL evidence of doing the samePaying someone from Ukraine to get dirt on Tiny Hands, who attempted to gain said dirt from the Kremlin to give to Hillary….sounds kinda like what they are blaming the Moron in Chief with doing. Weird right? 

3. Trump has done ZERO policies to help Russia.

Remember the whole “Rex Tillerson is only there because he worked for Exxon and Trump is going to allow him to pursue this deal despite President Obama placing 
sanctions on Russia” thing? Yea…Trump blocked it too. You know how Syria is one of 
Russia’s top allies and we keep bombing the F out of them? Or what about that one time that a US Navy plane and a Russian fighter jet were literally 5 feet away from each other on the RUSSIAN BORDER? None of that sounds like “collusion” to me, rather it sounds like we’re about to be in World War 3 if we don’t chill out. 

4. John Podesta’s e-mails were not a result of a “hack”, rather a leak from inside the DNC

So as the theory goes, Russia somehow hacked into the DNC server, stole thousands of emails and gave them to WikiLeaks in order to help Donald “There’s No Problems Down There Believe Me” Trump win. However, there’s a giant issue with that line of thought. According to this article from The The Nation the rate of speed in which the data was transferred from the server was too fast for anyone to be able to hack it. Also, the timestamp proves that it had to have been done on the east coast of the United States and could not have happened anywhere else. So unless Russia had a mole inside the DNC, this was in all likelihood a disgruntled DNC employee who saw the corruption first hand and decided to blow the whistle like Too $hort. 

5. Every story that gets retracted about Russia/Trump collusion is always proven FALSE.

There have been so many “AHA, WE GOT HIM!” moments, where the story gets broken in such a matter of fact way, only to be retracted later. Here’s a whole list. It’s strange how the story never goes in the other direction. There’s never a “Well it looks like there was no collusion with Russia” article that gets retracted and replaced with a story where there is more evidence in favor of Putin and Trump being BFF’s. It literally ALWAYS goes in the “We proved it!” to “Looks like we need to pull this story, we were wrong” direction.

In conclusion, Democrats need to talk about Medicare for All, Tuition free college/universities, legalizing marijuana, reforming prisons and police departments, raising taxes on corporations and the richest people in the country, reasonable gun legislation, renewable technology, a jobs program, stopping the wars….you know, everything that ISN’T related to Russia. If you keep focusing on Russia and ignoring the real issues, prepare for another 4 years of Trump.

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