Friday, October 12, 2018

The Ideal President of the USA

If I had the power to create a robot who could somehow run for President of the United States, I would program that robot with 3 particular President’s ideologies to create the closest thing to a “good” president we have ever seen. 

Those 3 individuals are Franklin Roosevelt (FDR from here on out), Jimmy Carter, and Bernie Sanders (I know he was never President, I’m talking strictly ideology here.)

Let’s start with the first person named. And just to get the obvious out of the way, yes minorities were still heavily discriminated against in the eyes of the law during his tenure as President. I’m speaking on this as if it were implemented in modern context, which includes all of the anti-discrimination policies that are in place now. 

With that being said, FDR got Glass-Steagall passed, important regulations that controlled the types of investments banks could make using OUR money, created the Works Progress Administration, which provided jobs for unemployed people, signed the Social Security Act, which created social security benefits, unemployment benefits, and more. He raised taxes on the highest earners in the country, as high as 94% on all income after the $200,000 cap (which in 2012 was the equivalent of about $2.5 Million, so probably higher today in 2018), and brought us into what is known as “The Golden Age of Economic Expansion”. All of these policies were implemented after the Great Depression in order to save America from imploding. You’d think after The Great Recession, we would implement similar policies in order to save those of us who never recovered from the giant crash of 2008.  But for some reason, those policies that saved our country and our industries are viewed as “extreme” or “radical” today. Isn’t that weird (Jimmy Dore voice)?

Let’s move on to someone who most people actually don’t consider to be that great of a President, Jimmy Carter. Now I’m slightly biased in his favor, due to the fact my Great Aunt Bernadine Denning worked for his administration in the Department of Education, so I want to be upfront about that. 


It does not negate the fact that his foreign policy is almost unheard of in today’s political climate, where we began two full scale wars in 2001 and 2003 that we ARE STILL INVOLVED IN IN 2018, and our democratic savior Barack Obama dropped more bombs than a Funk Flex tape; expanding that number to 8 (Trump added another country just for good measure, bringing us to a total of 9). Jimmy Carter did the unthinkable and dropped ZERO bombs the entire 4 years he was in office. He also continued to ease tensions with the Soviet Union (completely the opposite of today’s climate where EVERYONE and they momma is saying Russia is responsible for everything bad), and even when the Soviet’s invaded Afghanistan and tensions rose once again, Carter never took military action. He imposed sanctions, announced a boycott of the Soviet hosted Olympics, but never sent troops to the border, like we see today.

Oh yeah, he also orchestrated peace talks between the Egyptian Arabs and the Israeli’s in 1979, granted refuge to 125,000 Cubans who fled the Fidel Castro led dictatorship, and signed a peace treaty with Panama in 1978. 

Lastly, we gotta bring up the Brooklyn homie Bernie Sanders. His social policy is basically the ideal thought process of all Americans. It’s basically, “Don’t hate anybody unless they specifically give you a reason to.” So, bigotry in all forms is basically what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about a guy who got locked up for protesting alongside Martin Luther the King (shout out Coming to America), was fighting for LGBTQ+ rights in the early 90’s when NOBODY was (I see you Hillary Clinton), and is one of very few members of Congress who is speaking about legalizing marijuana, reform prisons/police, ending the ILLEGAL offensive wars we are engaged in, and more. Literally all of his social policy positions would make life better for all Americans, not just Christian wypipo, but all religious affiliations (or lack thereof), ethnicities, nationalities, genders (or lack thereof), sexual orientations, etc. The man cares about his people. 

Economics of FDR, Foreign Policy of Jimmy Carter, social policies of Bernie Sanders. Whoever that person is, I will vote for you with hesitation that equals the amount of bombs President Carter dropped. 

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