Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Impeachment Equals President Mike Pence

We have to start preparing for President Mike Pence guys.

I know, I know. It’s trash. He’s Donald Trump minus the mean tweets, plus the Christian fundamentalism. He’s a war mongering, a free market over everything, healthcare isn’t a right, everyone should own guns, and keep those damn Mexicans out of my country kinda guy. However, he’s way nicer about it than Trump….so yay?

Anyways, it appears that Impeachment proceedings are getting closer and closer, and looking at this from two different perspectives, I have come to two conclusions, neither of which is really that great.

1. Donald Trump most definitely has committed and is continuing to commit crimes. I always said from the second he was sworn in that he was violating the emoluments clause of the constitution. Now, after the Mueller report, a lot of that stuff has come out. Having an open criminal serving as President is terrible, and if we allow this to continue, we are setting a precedent that essentially makes the President a dictator. If the President is allowed to straight up obstruct justice, tell people to ignore subpoenas and court appearances, or telling them to flat out lie on the stand, then what is to stop future Presidents from doing so, and thusly destroying the checks and balances of government? These are all good and principled arguments to use if you are pro-impeachment.

2. Mike Pence will become the President of the United States. You know all the crazy horrible shit that Trumps has done and wants to do? Mike Pence will be able to get it done, because he’s calm and most republicans like him. They fall in line with Trump, but they don’t like him as a person. Since that’s the case, some of his insane agenda isn’t getting passed, such as repealing the ACA, when John McCain gave him the epic thumbs down vote. This was really done out of spite because of the wild shit Trump said about McCain in the past about being captured in Vietnam. So if we impeach Tiny Hands, Mike Pence will push thru the rest of the draconian agenda and continue destroying the country for everyone who isn’t rich.

So, what do we do? From purely a strategic point of view, I say leave the President of Unseasoned Chicken Eaters in there and let him keep digging himself a hole so we can stop some of the insanity. Mike Pence will not be as visible in the public eye, so a lot of his policies would quietly be implemented. Very scary for all of us.
However, from a principled point of view, the dude is a criminal and if any of us got caught doing the stuff he’s been accused of in the Mueller report, then he’s gotta go. We can have the top cop in the country as one of the biggest mob bosses also. I think overall, my take leans towards impeachment. But we MUST stay active as we have been since 45’s been in office, and fight Mike Pence on everything too. If we can do this, then all of this won’t be for nothing. Because trust and believe, if we impeach Trump and he is removed from office, the republican base is gonna go DUMB in 2020, and hit the booths harder than Ice Cube’s mean mug. So we have to prepare for that.

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