Thursday, May 30, 2019

My Thoughts on Elizabeth Warren

So, let's talk about my 3rd favorite candidate for President (number 1 of course being Bernard H. Sanders, and number 2 being Tulsi Gabbard), Elizabeth "F-ck Fox News" Warren. She's a mixed bag to say the least, similar to how I feel about Barack Obama (although to be fair, she seems to be a little better overall than our first black President.) 

From an economic standpoint, she's maybe the best when it comes to going to war with the corporations and being a champion for the people. She created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which held banks and other various large companies accountable for their practices, and in turn, helped to rectify some of the misdeeds that were done to the public. For example, credit card companies had a scheme where they basically sold you "indentity theft protection" for $10.00 per month (give or take depending on the credit card company), but the payments weren't actually going towards any protection. People were quite literally just donating an extra $10 per bill cycle to these various companies, and it went uncheched for a while....until the CFPB popped up and started poppin off. 

Warren also seems to genuinely be on the correct side of social issues, at least rhetorically. She supports women's healthcare rights, same-sex marriage, understands the issues regarding the criminal justice system and favors reform, supports the DREAMers, supports common sense gun legislation, supports legalizing weed, she's basically all the way righteous. 


She voted to increase our current military budget. By 80. Billion. God. Damned. Dollars. 

You know, for someone who regularly exchanges battle rap bars with Donald Trump on Twitter, you would think she would vote to give this lunatic, mad man of a President MORE military power. You can't talk shit about him making his "military industrial complex buddies rich" while at the same time voting in favor of him obtaining an ADDITIONAL $80,000,000,000 to give to said buddies. Of that, $65,000,000,000 could pay for all adults to attend college. Let alone what we could do with the current $700,000,000,000 (look at how many zeroes that is) which is roughly the same amount as the next 10 top military spenders on the planet, most of which are our allies. You can't continue stating that Iran is our enemy, but then getting upset when the Clown in Chief makes threats towards them. You can't have it both ways.

I will also very quickly mention the whole Native American fiasco, when her and Trump basically had the pettiest argument of all time regarding a DNA test, where according to Maury Povich standards, the Cherokee Nation is NOT the father. 

So Liz, although I will say if you are the nominee against Trump, you'll get my vote, there is still a reason you are in 3rd place on my list. Bernie didn't vote for that increase, neither did Tulsi. They don't call foreign countires our enemies just because they buy into the framing of the media and the right wing, and most importantly, they fight back almost exclusively thru policy proposals and discussions, rather than thumb thugging on Twitter with the President of People Who Dance to the Words and Not the Beat.

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