Friday, June 14, 2019

Donald Trump and Opposition Research

Controversial take time.

I'm not flipping out over what Donald Trump said regarding the fact he said he would "look at it" if given information from a foreign government about an opponent. He said it's simply called "opposition research" and everyone does it.

I agree.

Now, is there a difference between him actively seeking out information from foreign, perhaps even hostile governments and him being given information (that by the way was all 100% accurate) that he didn't ask for, but happens to use? I say yes. 

Why do I feel this way? Well for one, there is still no proof or even hard evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, or John Podesta. However, even if there was, what did we learn? We learned that there was a little something called the "Steele Dossier", which was paid for the DNC and Hillary Clinton, and that information came from Russian sources and was given to a British spy, for the purposes of.......

Getting opoosition research on Donald Trump. You know, the same reason that Mueller began his investigation 2 years ago, but saying that Trump was actually the guilty one? Yeah, that.

The other reasons I feel this way are because of this simple thought excercise. Let's just say your best friend of 25 years has secretly been stealing from you, and a 3rd party tells you, and shows you evidence that this has been happening. Would you be upset with the 3rd party for delivering the message, or would you be mad at your best friend for being a theif? Most people with common sense would have ill feelings towards their (former) best friend, I would hope. In this case, the best friend is Hillary and the DNC, the 3rd Party is Russia. 

Now, was this a smart thing for Trump to say? Of course not, especially given the current political climate and the whole 2 year long investigation that people still won't let go of. However, if you actually listen to it as a singular statement, rather than something that Donald Trump said, it's really not that crazy. It's actually very rational.

Still, f*ck Donald Trump tho. #RIPNipsey.

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