Friday, June 28, 2019

Night Two of the Democratic Debates

Part two of the Democratic debate‘s. This too will be relatively tweet thread like.

I did not catch the debate from the very beginning but from the part I walked in on when they were discussing Medicare for all and education, of course Bernie Sanders was the strongest. He was the only person besides Joe Biden to provide clear, concise, and articulate policy positions for the issues of healthcare and education. Everyone else spoke in platitudes, and did much of what was done yesterday, which was explain what the problem is and just talk about how terrible things are rather than providing a solution to fix said problems. 

On the issue of education, Joe Biden stated that he wanted to make community colleges for Renee, but not all public colleges and universities. He also did not make a mention of canceling the student loan debt.

They are letting Kamala Harris speak for a really long time on the issue of immigration. Her answer is good though. 

John Hickenlooper says we need to reform ICE, not demolish them.

Marianne Williamson is saying a lot of things that sound nice, but there is no policy plan behind it if you pay close attention. She ended strong with stating how the USA 
basically fucked up most of Latin America.

Shout out to Pete Booty Judge for stating the the right wing completely ignores the separation of church and state, and saying the Democrats are representing those who have any religion or no religion. That is something that is not talked about nearly enough.

Handsy Uncle Joseph is starting to get amped up. He isn’t stating anything of policy substance, but he is trying to sound like a lefty. He got pressed before he finally stated that he would not deport someone for a low-level crime.

Bernie coming through with all the 
substance, stating how we need to stop 
trying to overthrow Latin American countries.

Eric Swalwell is mixing some issues with the census and family separation. Weird.

Kamala Harris replies, stating that she disagreed with Obamas immigration policy and advise her staff in California when she was the state attorney general to use their own judgment on the issue of deportation. Solid.

Michael Bennett argued passionately for his position on immigration, that might help him out. 

I didn’t get the chance to take notes on the rest, so I’ll link the Splinter live blog 
coverage to get anything I missed. 

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