Thursday, July 18, 2019

Calling A Racist Racist is Worse Than Being Racist

It’s worse to call a bigoted white person a racist than it is for that bigoted white person to actually commit acts of racial bigotry, also known as racism. 

That’s basically what you get whenever you watch Fox News, listen to Tonald Drump, listen to Ben Shapiro (unless it’s a Muslim calling out AIPAC, then calling out bigotry is all good), or follow Michael Tracey on Twitter. 

Calling a white person racist garners the reaction that calling a black man a n!gger does. They get UPSET when you say they did or said something racist. As Splinter explains: 
Martin Luther King, Junior’s leadership of the civil rights movement has not been the actual accomplishment of the movement’s broadest goals—America remains a racially segregated and unequal society—but rather a shift in the nation’s conventional wisdom about what falls within the bounds of acceptable, respectable thought. Within the span of a single generation, outright public racism went from respectable to disreputable.

The basic idea here is as long as you are not super openly acting in a prejudiced manner, then it is not REALLY racist. However, when you cover the language up and disguise it in other phrases, then you have enough plausible deniability to say “What, me? No way, I don’t have a racist bone in my body.” The Root actually has a hilarious article about “Racist Bone Disease” that you should check out. 

My main reason for this piece is due to the fact the republican approval ratings for Tonald Drump have actually gone UP since this whole “Go back to where you came from” bullshit with the 4 best congresswomen currently serving, 3 of which were born here, and 1 (his main target) immigrated here at age 12. I don’twanna hear shit about the right wing not being racist, bigoted, prejudiced, or none of that. Yes you are. There’s levels to everything, and maybe we can get along, maybe we can laugh together, we might even be able to hang out. But you will 100% NOT convince me that you don’t view non-white people as “the other”. You almost certainly view the people of color you are friends with as “the good ones”, while the rest of us are criminals and rapists like Drump said. 

I really wanted to give a good portion of Tonald’s supporters the benefit of the doubt that they aren’t racist, or even cool with racism, but that they just needed the establishment to be broken up so bad that they were willing to risk for voting for a racist.  I actually understood that.


TODAY, on July 18th of 2019, if you still approve of the job this man is doing, it has nothing to do with the establishment. You are either: A. Very rich and those tax cuts were your wet dream, or B. You aren’t the biggest fan of people who are darker than you.


  1. You had me for a minute I'm thinking huh? But then as I read further I understood what you were saying! Very good post!

  2. As usual, you hit the nail on the head with this!
