Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gangs and the Government

Gangs and the Government. Stop and think for a second. How different are they really? I am going to show you in very plain language how our government and other world governments essentially ARE gangs, they just wear suits and carry briefcases rather than urban fashion and carry measures of protection. Let’sreview, shall we?

The Flag-
For the United States of America, the flag is Red, White and Blue, with 13 stripes and 50 stars. The flag for the Bloods is a red bandanna. The flag for the Crips is a blue bandanna. Wearing a flag is a clear indication of loyalty, and non-verbally allows everyone within eyesight to instantly develop an understanding of what it is you represent. 

Territory – 
The United States government is constantly telling us that the reason we are going to war with 9 countries (hopefully we don’t get to 10 with Iran) is to protect the homeland. We have to protect our borders. We have to keep Americans safe. Why? Because they live in America, and that is the territory that we occupy. On a much smaller scale, that is exactly what street gangs do. GD’s and Vice Lords are doing what they view as protecting their neighborhoods, and they do so by going to war with other gangs who they view as a threat. 

Money – 
Gangs sell drugs, commit robberies, and pimp sex workers to earn a pay dayBut think about this. Big Pharma lobbyists donated close to $200 Million dollars to various campaigns, in order for the lawmakers who win different positions in government to essentially do their bidding, which would be reducing the amount of regulation and reducing the tax burden they pay. This is mostly about the lack of regulation, which has turned the Midwest into a heroin den. So government (at minimum) facilitating the sale of narcotics? Check. Every heard of civil asset forfeiture? That’s when a cop pulls someone over, notices a “suspicious” amount of money, and confiscates it from a person without an arrest or a charge. Then it is on the person of interest to prove they weren’t going to use the money in a crime, otherwise the police department gets to keep it to purchase things like coffee machines, and new equipment for themselves. Sounds like robbery to me. And as far as pimping? The definition states “a man who controls prostitutes and arranges clients for them, taking part of their earnings in return.” Replace the word “prostitutes” with “employees”, and tell me what is different between that and any 9-5 job in corporate America, which is regulated by….the government. 

Military – 
Obviously, the government officials aren’t on the front lines in these wars, risking their lives to take bullets. Of course not. Sowhat they do is send much younger, desperate people who see no way out to participate in the violence for them. What does that sound like? That sounds like OG’s who don’t want to do a crime, so they send the impressionable “little homies” to do it for them to prove themselves. Then what happens when soldiers return home or the little homies go to jail? Everyone who sent them on these missions forget about them, and they waste away in society as if they never mattered. 

The whole point of this post is basically to say this. I understand gang culture. I get the appeal, I get the benefits of being a part of something bigger than you, I get the family aspect, I get the financial aspect, I get all of it. Trust me. What I do NOT understand however, is conservatives who are super pro-military and super pro-gun ownership that have absolutely no idea why gangs exist. Our government is currently the biggest, most dangerous, wealthiest gang on the planet. So either be against what our government is doing on a mass scale, or don’t be so quick to judge what one set of Piru’s does on a very minor scale, comparatively speaking. Is gang violence a problem? Yes. Is United States militarism a problem? Damn right. But let’s be principled. You cannot view one as “patriotism” and the other as “criminal”, when I just broke down why being in a gang and being in government in the USA is the same thing. 


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