Monday, November 25, 2019

Billionaires Love Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is proving herself to be the corporate sell-out I always thought she was. Again.

So remember how she took all the money from OneWest Bank and affiliates, and then chose NOT to prosecute Steve Mnuchin

Or how she laughed when asked if she would support legalizing cannabis, even though her REPUBLICAN opponent was a supporter? Or when she wanted to make it more difficult for inmates to be released because of the cheap labor they provided?

Well as if all that wasn’t bad enough, it has now been revealed that there are more Billionaires donating to the Kamala Harris campaign than any other democratic nominee. In the era of anti-corruption, and democratic campaigns on all levels winning elections without taking any billionaire or SUPER-PAC money, Kamala Harris is the most popular candidate for those in the 1%.

According to
Apparently, the former state prosecutor and district attorney has gotten the bag from 46 billionaires since the top of 2019, including oil heir Gordon and Ann Getty, investor Dean Metropoulos, and philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs. Star Wars kingpin George Lucas made his only donation to Harris.
With a celebrity net worth of $4 million, Harris is running neck and neck with the other black senator running for president, Corey Booker, for billionaire support.

Why do you think they love her so much? Do you think it’s because she’s going to raise their taxes to expand and build upon our social safety net? Do you think she will regulate these businesses efficiently? Do you think she will stop all of the Wall Street criminal activity that never really stopped, even after the recession? Will she legalize a plant that could potentially make some of these billionaires have competition (alcohol and big pharma to be specific) and *gasp* lose profit?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, you should just look at some history. is a great website to see how much money any given industry has donated to a campaign or politician over the course of their career, and you can/should match those donations up with their voting records. You will quickly see how the two correlate. Basically, if an industry/billionaire gives you a bunch of money, it isn’t for no reason. They want something in return. And what that ‘something’ is in Kamala’s case, is more of the same. Don’t rock the boat. Don’t do anything that would change things TOO much. 

I think they would have the best candidate for keeping the status quo. Too abd for her (and good for everyone else), she’s polling extremely low. So much for being a “top tier” candidate, eh?

Anyway, Kamala gone head and get up outta here, let the real progressives in the race battle it out. The only corporatist that has a chance is Joe Biden, and he doesn’t have much of a shot either.  So let this be between Bernie and Liz. Go listen to some Snoop Dogg and 2Pac records while you smoke weed with your college buddies and then laugh at locking people up for doing it. We’ll be fighting for real structural change over here.

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