Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Donald Trump is the Logical Conclusion of Right Wing Politics

Donald Trump is the logical conclusion of right wing politics in the United States. He takes what has been coded for a long time, and decodes it for the common person. Instead of “we need secure borders and immigration needs to be a strict process”, we get “the Mexicans are sending criminals, they bring drugs, they’re rapists….I assume SOME are good people”. Instead of “fighting Islamic TERRORISM”, we get “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering this country”. You get the idea.

However, this past week, Donald Trump revealed yet another layer of right wing politics that we (the left and most regular people) already knew about these regime change wars (shout out Tulsi Gabbard) in the Middle East. 

It’s the oil stupid!

Agent Orange recently stated via press conference that we “have secured the oil, and we are now deciding what to do with it.” What does ‘secured the oil’ mean? There is no other way to interpret this but to assume he means ‘stole the oil’. Remember he said we should’ve taken the oil from Iraq? Everyone else who supported these wars tried to mask them as an altruistic, humanitarian effort. Not Trump. He just spoke the real. We’re stealing the oil. 

Imagine for a moment, that Russia (the boogeyman) just decided on their own to invade Alaska and “secure its oil”. How would we react? Pretty sure we would be ready to duke it out with Vlad and them. And we would be justified. Somehow, when it’s us doing the stealing and countless murders of civilians, it’s ok because we’re the ones doing it. 

On one hand, I’m happy Donny Boy is being so upfront, so that way we can’t keep up the façade of “humanitarian efforts”. No, we’re coming to rob, murder and destroy. We now have a President that admits it upfront. 

On the other hand, bruh, we can’t just go jack resources from sovereign countries! What are you thinking? How insane is our current Commander in Chief? Out of his effing mind apparently. But Trump gonna Trump, so we have to make sure we get Bernie in there to attempt to undo all of the crazy shit our current leader is saying and doing. 

Lastly, shout out to Kyle Kulinski for bringing this story to our attention, as it has not been on ANY mainstream news outlets.

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