Thursday, December 19, 2019

Donald Trump Impeached by The House

The House of Representatives decided to impeach the President, on two counts, those being Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress.

Wat happens next?

Now we have a trial, in which the Senators act as the jury essentially. They will have a vote after the trial, and if 20 republicans decide to vote with every single democrat to remove from office, then he will be removed and Mike pence will be sworn in as the President of the United States.

What is the likelihood of this happening? Let’s look at past impeachments to see what history shows. 

For Richard Nixon, who was impeached for obstruction of justiceabuse of power, and contempt of Congress due to his involvement and attempted coverup of the 1972 Watergate break in. Watergate was the DNC headquarters at the time, and Nixon essentially knew and attempted to hide the fact that 5 men hired by his campaign had broken into the DNC headquarters and wiretapped the building. There was so much evidence against him, including multiple audio tapes, that if anyone, including his own party had voted against his impeachment, they would’ve essentially been blatantly and obviously lying to the entire country. Nixon resigned as he was notified that his removal from office was inevitable. 

Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath about receiving felatio from Monica Lewinsky. The initial reason they began investigating him in the first place was Paula Jones filed a lawsuit against him for sexual harassment while he was Governor of Arkansas. Linda Tripp, a friend of Monica Lewinsky, began secretly recording their conversations and providing them to Paula Jones’ lawyers to establish a pattern of behavior. During a sworn deposition, Clinton advised he’d never had a sexual relationship with Lewinsky, which turned out to be false. The voting for impeachment in the House passed, but the Senate voting was essentially all partisan, and with a Democrat controlled Senate, the republicans did not have enough votes to remove him from office. The aftermath was his popularity going up, and a second term as President. 

Trump’s situation is way more like Clinton’s than it is Nixon’s. The evidence against Trump is NOT overwhelming to the point where Republicans can’t defend it. In fact, turning around and exposing Joe Biden and his sons corruption was a POSITIVE result for the right wing. The Senate Republicans are NOT going to vote to remove Trump, and they have a strong majority. 

Every time Donald Trump says the Dems are doing a witch hunt, he is proven correct. 3 years of Russiagate only for the report to come out saying there is no evidence of collusion. This will be much of the same, and it will increase his favorability because the average independent or right leaning voter will think “You know what, maybe he’s right and they ARE treating him unfairly.” That’s why when he says “Fake News”, it works. Because even if he’s wrong about the substance, the news media has constantly shown that they get things very very wrong and never correct themselves. This will be more of the same. 

Let’s see how this plays out. Just come back to this article after the Senate does their thing.


  1. I believe the evidence shows that he was making illegal moves. Is he the only President to do this type of under the radar policy? I doubt it, but his arrogance in thinking he's above the law has to be checked!
