Monday, January 6, 2020

War in Iran

If you voted for Donald Trump, I don’t want to hear SHIT about your negative feelings in regards to Iran. 



He regularly threatens our enemies on Twitter (remember little rocket man?) Remember when he backed Juan Guido, the fake President of Venezuela and advised he would assist militarilywith the uprising? Remember when he bombed Syria against the wishes of Vladimir Putin (even though people still somehow think he’s a Russian puppet)? Remember when he dropped the Mother of All Bombs in Afghanistan? Remember when he increased Barack Obama’s drone strike rate by 400%? (For context, the 542 drone strikes that Obama authorized killed an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians.) Remember when he said we would invade Mexico to fight the drug cartels Remember when his very first military act as President killed an 8 year old American girl

Now, to get the obvious out of the way. Yes, Soleimani was a bad person. So was Sadaam Hussein (we saw how that turned out, everyone agrees this was terrible war to be involved in, financially and body count wise, and killing him lead to the growth of ISIS). So was Ghadafi (we now have open slave markets in Lybia). Being a bad person is NOT a reason to start a war, especially with a country like Iran. We must remember, Russia and China are Iran’s allies. Those 3 against the United States, will be very bloody. And if nukes are involved? The end of humanity. That’s not hyperbole. 

Everyone should be scared right now, and if you aren’t, you are either not aware of the consequences this could and most likely will have, you are completely oblivious to all news, or you are one of the homies in Trump’s click and you are one of the people cheering this on. 

Also, shout out to the Democrats for having weak ass arguments as usual. The fact that he didn’t go thru congress first for approval is basically the only thing most of them are saying. They aren’t really acknowledging the whole “we are against offensive wars” part of it, they’re really just focused on HOW he went about it. Good job Dems. SMH. 

Well, at least my Grandma still sends me Better Made chips for Christmas and I still have a good portion of my package left. So I can enjoy those while the world is still here.

1 comment:

  1. I just heard the history of Iran and the U.S. & Britain. Of course it was all about the oil. As my favorite group, Tower of Power, has been saying since the seventies: "There's Only So Much Oil in the Ground!"
