Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Famous Black Conservatives are Puppets

Candace Owens. Kanye West. Ben Carson. Colion Noir. Jim Brown. Alan Keyes. Stacey Dash. Herman Cain. What do all of these people have in common besides weak dap?

They are black/African-American/Melanated conservatives. And not just fiscally conservative (which we call ‘cheap’ in the regular black community) or socially conservative because of religion (like most black folks to be real). They are straight up right wingers who will beat the drum for war, anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, removing social safety net programs, gun anarchy, anti-women’s health rights; you know, everything right wingers in the USA love. 

What confuses me about them, is even though they say things like “Black Lives Matter is not oppressed” but then claim they are victims of racism when ANTIFA protesters simply say things they don’t like at coffee shops. They always act as if racism is purely a thing of the past that black people hold onto because we’re just lazier than white people, until somebody does something they have an issue with, then they pull it out the bag. It’s almost like they know racism exists, but they don’t want to acknowledge it because it will push away the wypipo that support them.

I just want everyone above named to know that you are being used as a puppet. Faux Fox News loves bringing these people on so they can say “See? We aren’t racist. Even the blacks say it!” It’s basically when they have Milo Snuffleupagus spew anti-gay rhetoric so they can say “See? We don’t hate the gays, even the gay dude says it!”

This is a trick the right wing has been using forever. Take a person from whatever group you don’t like (for Hispanics we have Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, for women just pick any Fox News host, you get where I’m going) to spew hateful rhetoric about said group to absolve themselves from all scrutiny.  Here’s the thing about it though.

It has never worked, nor will it.

What the majority of us (black people) do is just stop inviting them to the barbeque. We write them off and just assume they are now with the otha side. So when you hear these people say “The problem isn’t black people being disproportionately murdered by police, the problem is black on black crime!”, ignoring the fact that black people go to jail and face actual punishment for our killings, whereas police RARELY do or “Black people vote democrat because of welfare”, which was a talking point created by Ronald Raegan which was based on lies, just remember that they are either purposely ignoring reality, or at best, extremely ignorant of the facts. Either way, you aren’t doing any damage to anyone other than yourselves when you are inevitably cast aside when they are done using you (I see you Stacey Dash).
Black people don’t need to be loyal to the Democratic Party considering they have been failing us for the past 30 years, but that DOES NOT MEAN we should vote republican. It means we need to vote based on the candidate and their policies, rather than party affiliation.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Young Buck and LGBTQ+ Bigotry

Alright y’all, we gotta talk about this Young Buck situation.

First and foremost, this entire situation shows how much more progress we still need to make in the area of LGBTQ+ bigotry. It also shows that protecting people’s privacy is very important, and any acts to “expose” others typically have a pretty negative backlash. So where do we start?

The first audio leaked is Young Buck on the phone with Glamour Mizz, a transgender woman who put out footage on her Instagram page performing a sexual act on a man, who was later identified as Buck Marely AKA Buck Shots AKA Young Buck of GGGG-Unit. At no point in this clip do you see Buck’s face or any other identifying physical characteristics. It’s just a dude wearing a coat who looks as if he is about to receive some oral pleasure. The reason we know this is actually Mr. Buck is because the audio leak of a phone call, where you can hear Young Buck and Glamour Mizz discussing taking the video down. 

As you can hear from this first call, Buck is almost threatening Glamour and saying that people are getting shot, people are getting hurt, and it’s all because she leaked this phone call and now he has to essentially fix the damage. At this point, another Tennessee dude named “Cookup Boss” began capitalizing off of the controversy. He began releasing many Instagram videos clowning Buck for being with what they call “a punk.” Apparently this is a slur for transgendered folks that I never heard before this past month. I digress…

Young Buck then challenged Cookup to a “fade” (a scrap, a fistfight, a beatdown) for making comments on the situation. In this video, he also adamantly denies being with Ms. Mizz or even knowing her.

There is a second phone call that leaked, and this is the one that actually made me sad for everyone involved. You can hear Buck CRYING as he is begging and pleading with Glamour to take the video down. He even offers to pay her $2000 in exchange for a statement in which she would tell the world her page got hacked, she doesn’t know Buck, and that it is NOT him in the video. They are both yelling at each other throughout the call, and for so many reasons I feel terrible for everyone involved, except Cookup

Now that you have the backstory, I have questions for Glamour and Young Buck, as well as some general points I feel need to be made.
1. Glamour, why would you put a video of yourself doing anything sexual with anybody on Instagram? What ever happened to keeping your private lives private? Too many people in your business and things always get messy.
2. Young Buck, if it’s not true, which you repeatedly went on Instagram proclaiming, why are you offering to pay her to take the video down?
3. Glamour, you recently stated that you plan on “exposing” more rappers/entertainers. What is there to expose if you don’t think there is anything wrong with being trans (which there isn’t for the record)? Why do you continue to threaten to expose people if there is nothing wrong with what you’re doing?
4. Buck, you’re in a gang. For anyone who understands gang culture, it is a sad reality that the majority of gang affiliates are bigoted AF when it comes to the GBTQ+ community (I left the L off on purpose because most hood dudes/street guys are cool with Lesbians.) You should either drop your flag or not participate in ANYTHING that you will have to ask people to lie and cover up later. 
5. The YouTube comments are outrageous. It is extremely clear to me that so many people still don’t understand what it means to be transgender, and as a result are calling Young Buck gay. Trans people are not “tricking” people for fun, they actually identify with the opposite gender as their biological sex. It would almost be as if I, as a straight male who identifies as a man, was forced to wear a dress, lipstick and heels every day. I would be so out of my element and incredibly uncomfortable, I would be miserable.  Same with trans people who aren’t able to live as the gender they truly feel they are.
6. Glamour, you aren’t helping the cause. By feeding into the “I’m gonna expose these rappers” narrative, you actually take away from the fight that trans people, such as my friend Brianna Westbrook are partaking in. If at some point we want the world to acknowledge trans women = women and trans men = men, then “exposing” rappers as “gay” when they engage sexually with you hurts the cause. 

There is still a lot of progress which needs to be made, and unfortunately, people continue to feed into a narrative that is not only incorrect, but dangerous when trans people are already targets for violence.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Trump Sucks, But Bush Was Worse (So Far)

Democrats. Stop acting like George W. Bush was a good President. STOP. IT. NOW.

I’ve been seeing way too many prominent Democrats who are essentially white-washing Dubya’s history. Michelle Obama said they are best friends. Obama has said that he and George BitchBush are brothers. Cenk from TYT even said in an off handed comment that he misses the 43rd President.


As of 10/29/2018, Donald Trump has not started any wars. George Bush started two of them (which we are still actively engaged in in 2018). Donald Trump has not crashed the economy (yet). George Bush (along with the help of his previous white house partner Bill Clinton) crashed the economywith massive deregulation and caused The Great Recession. 

George Bush’s white house created a narrative in the media that called torture “enhanced interrogation.” Remember Gitmo(which is still open right now)? That was Bush.

Any international terrorist attacks happening under Trump’s watch? Not yet. The biggest one in the history of our nation, that of course being 9/11, happened under the democrat’s favorite republican, Gee Dub. 

He was against signing the Death with Dignity Act, meaning terminally ill individuals were not allowed to leave this life on their own terms. They had to suffer until the day they died.

He vetoed a bill that would allow for stem-cell research, which potentially could assist those individuals who are paralyzed with walking again.

He signed the Patriot Act, which effectively destroyed the 4thamendment, due to the fact it allows for warrantless spying on all Americans, regardless if they are suspected of a crime or not.

Remember how awesome he handled Hurricane Katrina? 

LOTS of so-called “Free Trade” agreements which ultimately result in jobs being outsourced to less economically prosperous countries. 

This is a very condensed list, but I think the point has been made. George W. Bush was a Christian theocrat who implemented policy based on his religious feelings rather than what the public wanted (abortion, stem cell research, gay marriage, etc.) He was a war-mongering hawk who invaded two countries offensively. He was an advocate for trickle-down economics, which even his own father said was “voodoo economics”, meaning not real. He was incredibly ill-equipped to handle any crisis, 3 giant ones of which come to mind. He was just a dumb guy.

And on top of all that, he doesn’t care about black people (word to 2005 Kanye “I haven’t completely lost my mind yet” West.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

White Americans are Racists and All Men are Sexists (UPDATED)

All white Americans are racists. All cis-gendered heterosexual men are sexists.

Sounds messed up right? It’s true. 

However, there’s levels to this shit, and before you think I’m calling you out, give me a second to get my Kevin Hart on andLet Me Explain.

What I’m NOT saying is all white people hate everyone who isn’t white. I’m not saying all men have an irrational distain for women. I’m not telling my brothers, sisters and others of color to be on alert every time you see any white person because they hate you. I’m not saying anything of the sort.

What I AM saying, is that people tend to look at things from their perspective. The way you grow up, the people you grow up around, exposure (or lack thereof) of different ethnicities, nationalities and cultures all shape our world view. This doesn’t make anyone bad or good, it just is what it is.

Now, as a straight black male, I have come to realize that I have certain privileges that my LGBTQ+ comrades do not. In the state of Arizona where I live, it is still legal to fire someone based on their sexual orientation, as gender identity and sexual orientation are not protected classes. I understand that since I present myself in a masculine way and identify as the gender/sexI was born (man/male), that I am not going to be treated negatively or looked at as strange by the non-LGBTQ+ community like people who live outside the hetero-normative spectrum are. 

Also as a man, taking ethnicity out of the equation, I also have certain perspectives that aren’t necessarily fair to women. For example, I think all straight men sexually objectify women. We don’t do it to be monsters or to make women feel uncomfortable, the problem is we don’t see a lot of what we do as wrong. We think it’s normal to walk up on a random women at the club and start grinding behind her without so much as a hello. We think it’s cool to tap our homie when we’re walking through the mall and point at the woman with the fat ass and make loud comments about it. I’ve seen men get upset at women who don’t want to have sex and never speak to them again, completely shunning them, and even sometimes going as far as to tell other men “Hey don’t even waste your time with her, she ain’t talkin about nothin”, which basically means “She isn’t down for sex, so there is no other reason to treat her like a human being.”

I ask my homies of the Caucasian persuasion to examine your own perspective as well.  Just because something doesn’t happen directly to you or you’ve never seen it in person, doesn’t mean that an entire community is making it up. People of color are not creating a false narrative, but sometimes it’s hard to except that you are a part of the group that is responsible for most of the evil against the group making the complaint. 

Has every white person participated in slavery/Jim Crow/extra judicial police killing of unarmed people of color? Of course not, but it is an institution run by white people. So yes, you are a part of the group that is causing the problem. In fact, we have several statistics to back our claims up. Here’s a few articles for you if you want the information.

So, all I’m asking is for people to check their perspective. If we immediately think of things from our own perspective rather than that of the person telling the story, we will never develop the empathy needed as a nation to finally get along.

UPDATE: The following link is a perfect example of a lack of understand/empathy leading to racism. A lawyer who was scared to send his 14 year old son to his neighbors with a misdelivered package because his neighborhood is predominantly white and there have been numerous stories of black kids being shot as a result of knocking on doors, asking for directions, etc. Just look at the comments. His own fear for his safety somehow makes him the real racist, an asshole and a punk. SMH.

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Democrats Still Don’t Get It - Thoughts on Politicon

Politcon happened this weekend, and I got a chance to watch some of the debates and panels from it. I have reach one very sad conclusion.

We’re going to have another 4 years of President Tiny Hands.

Why do I say this? Because the Democrats STILL DON’T GET IT.

I got to watch one of my favorite political commentators, Kyle Kulinski basically demolished everybody that had any opposition to his viewpoints, which are correct by the way. Here’s the problem…

He was the only person on the majority of the footage I’ve seen making the arguments that we KNOW will work. When he brings up Medicare for All, they would rebut with “Yeah that sounds good but we have to be realistic.” When he says “Stop saying ‘white’ working class, and just say working class because it excludes people of color”, they said “The democrats need to be focused on getting the white working class.” When he says “Bernie would be a good candidate for 2020”, a few of the panelists literally laughed at him.

What I did see however, were plenty of the same old repeated things that democrats who aren’t REALLY progressive say stuff that makes them sounds like they are. 
We need to stand up for marginalized groups such as people of color, the LGBTQ+ community and women.” DUH.

“Donald Trump is evil.” DUH.

“We can’t be liberal if we aren’t nice to other liberals.” GTFOH.

These are the same people who think voting for the lesser of two evils gets good results. The same people that ignore the fact the DNC rigged the election and tell us “We shouldn’t rehash this old news” are the ones who will allow future election riggingand then blame the voters when their candidate is hot garbage (I see you Hillary Clinton.) 

What these folks don’t realize is constantly playing the identity politics game is a losing strategy, because the average person might be sympathetic to others, but ultimately are going to vote in their own interests (or so they think, I see you poor Trump voters). So constantly focusing on how bad racial minorities have it and blaming Trump is not a way to get people to vote for you. Instead of offering policy ideas that will help the American people, they simply say “The other guy is bad, so vote for me instead.” It didn’t work in 2016, it for damn sure won’t work in 2020. 

So in conclusion, every day I believe more and more that my dude Jimmy Dore is absolutely right when he says the Democrats cannot be saved. All of the rhetoric that Kyle had to fight off during Politcon from other so-called progressives shows exactly that.

Friday, October 19, 2018

A List of Countries with Universal Healthcare and/or College

Free college? Universal Healthcare? How on earth can we afford that?”

Is this really an impossible feat? Is it actually unrealistic to assume that tax dollars can be used to cover peoples’ medical expenses and education? 

Well, lucky for you, I’m here to provide a list of countries that provide free college and universal healthcare, and see if this is really an “impossible” standard, or if it is something that can be accomplished with relative ease.

List of Countries with Universal Healthcare
1. Norway
2. New Zealand
3. Japan
4. Germany
5. Belgium
6. United Kingdom
7. Kuwait
8. Sweden
9. Bahrain
10. Brunei
11. Canada
12. Netherlands
13. Austria
14. United Arab Emirates
15. Finland
16. Slovenia
17. Denmark
18. Luxembourg
19. France
20. Australia
21. Ireland
22. Italy
23. Portugal
24. Cyprus
25. Greece
26. Spain
27. South Korea
28. Iceland
29. Hong Kong
30. Singapore
31. Switzerland
32. Israel (Who we give $60 Billion to annually)

List of Countries with Free College Tuition

1. Argentina
2. Austria
3. Brazil
4. Czech Republic
5. Denmark
6. Egypt
7. Finland
8. France
9. Germany
10. Greece
11. Iceland
12. Kenya
13. Luxembourg
14. Malaysia
15. Morocco
16. Norway
17. Panama
18. Poland
19. Scotland
20. Slovenia
21. Spain
22. Sweden
23. Turkey
24. Uruguay

And just to throw in a little bit of extra evidence that this will work, let’s look at the economic situations of the countries that have both Universal Healthcare and College.  
According to the Heritage Foundation, a right wing think tank, Austria is ranked 17th among 44 countries in Europe, and it’s overall score is ABOVE regional and world averages. Denmark is ranked 6th, Finland is ranked 15th, France receives a slightly lower rank at 34th. Germany brings it back to a strong rank of 14th, while Greece has the 17th largest economy in the European Union (out of 28) according to Wikipedia. Norway is ranked 12thaccording to the Heritage Foundation, Spain is ranked 30th out of 44, and lastly Sweden ranks at 8th.

Again, every country mentioned in the above paragraph has both Universal Healthcare and Universal College. Notice how only TWO of those countries are in the bottom 50% of economic prosperity, with the rest being in the top 62%. Now, with that being said, here’s a study with some good ole’ fashioned charts to show how much money the United States spends on the military in comparison to the top 10 other countries with the biggest military budgets. Go ahead and read that and then start to ask yourself some questions about what we can and can’t afford as a nation. 

So, if anyone every says “We can’t afford it/You run out of other peoples’ money/Single payer will NEVER COME TO PASS (I see you Hillary Clinton)”, just send them to this article I wrote, and if they STILL deny these facts, then feel free to ask them how much glue they ate as a child or how much Tekashi 6ix9ine they listen to. The answer to both questions is most likely “A LOT.”

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Strategy for the MidTerms/Voting Techniques

Before we get into this discussion brothas and sistas, I forgot to mention a few things in my “Stop Talking about Russia” piece. That piece is here if you want to read the first 4 arguments I make. Here’s the last two.

5. “Mitt, the 1980’s called, and they want their foreign policy back.”

Obama, Hillary, and every Democrat that appeared on TV during the 2011/2012 election season told Mitt Romney that the 80’s wanted their foreign policy back, because he said that Russia was our number 1 geopolitical enemy. They LITERALLY laughed at him, in his face for thinking the Cold War was still going on. My how times have changed.

6. The DNC refused to let the FBI look at their servers that were “hacked” by Russia. 

Remember in my other piece where I said it was most likely a leak and not a hack? Well the FBI wanted to investigate to, you know, see if Hillary and her squad was lying or not. Especially since Julian Assange, who has never been discredited, says it wasn’t RussiaBut for whatever reason, the CIA and FBI, were denied requests to have a look-see. Seems kinda crazy.

So, now that I’ve got that out the way, let’s discuss a winning strategy so we can get this reckless, insane bigot out of the white house along with his #GangGang of senators and congress people. 

1. Voting for progressives who don’t take corporate or PAC money.
2. Voting for Green Party Candidates/3rd Party Candidates 
3. Early voting

If we do those 3 things, we can take back over. It’s all about hitting the streets and exercising our rights. Make sure your candidate of choice takes NO corporate or PAC money. If they do, they are automatically disqualified, because we know as a matter of FACT that politicians who take big money ALWAYS do the bidding of those donors rather than the citizens they represent. Green party candidates and 3rd Party candidates represent progressive ideas, and can win on the local scene which strengthens their ability to run in national campaigns later on. The biggest one of these I’d say is early voting, mail-in ballots, etc. Everyone knows the voting times are outrageous and inconvenient as F. So, as I am doing this year, I will use my mail-in ballot to cast my votes. Do some research and figure out what your best option is, and get to it. The country and the world LITERALLY depends on it.

Monday, October 15, 2018

If Democrats Want to Win Elections

If any elected Democrats are reading this, I have one bit of advice for you if you plan to win these mid-terms and the next Presidential race in 2020. It’s going to sound crazy, but hear me out. 


There are several reasons why this strategy is failing and less than 1% of the American public even care about this.  I’m gonna list all of the reasons below. 

Also, if you watch CNN, MSNBC, The Young Turks, David Pakman, or Sam Sedar, then prepare to have your mind blown as I debunk all this Russia nonsense.

1. Hillary Clinton’s Biggest Flaw was Her Ties to Russia

Sounds far-fetched? It’s not. You can read this very informative Washington Post article for full details, but the gist of it is this. The Clinton Foundation took a $150,000,000 bribe….excuse me, I mean “donation” from the Kremlin, Bill Clinton received over $500,000 into his personal account, also from the Kremlin, and then relatively soon after the Russian government was granted 20% of ALL uranium production out of the United States. You can probably see why that looks shady.

Also, just a quick side note, remember all that hoopla about Jill Stein being a “Russian puppet” because she was shown in a picture sitting at a table with Puti Pie? How about these?


Now, to a rational person, these are just pictures from various meetings. But if we’re gonna keep the same energy, then being in a picture with someone means you are somehow participating in a nefarious scheme with them. You see why this is a bad argument? Let’s move on.

2. Democrats are blaming Trump for the exact same thing Hillary did.

Remember the whole “Trump colluded with Russia by trying to set up a meeting between his son and a Russian lawyer to get dirt on Hillary” thing? Yeah, here’s the issue with that. Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been exposed with ACTUAL evidence of doing the samePaying someone from Ukraine to get dirt on Tiny Hands, who attempted to gain said dirt from the Kremlin to give to Hillary….sounds kinda like what they are blaming the Moron in Chief with doing. Weird right? 

3. Trump has done ZERO policies to help Russia.

Remember the whole “Rex Tillerson is only there because he worked for Exxon and Trump is going to allow him to pursue this deal despite President Obama placing 
sanctions on Russia” thing? Yea…Trump blocked it too. You know how Syria is one of 
Russia’s top allies and we keep bombing the F out of them? Or what about that one time that a US Navy plane and a Russian fighter jet were literally 5 feet away from each other on the RUSSIAN BORDER? None of that sounds like “collusion” to me, rather it sounds like we’re about to be in World War 3 if we don’t chill out. 

4. John Podesta’s e-mails were not a result of a “hack”, rather a leak from inside the DNC

So as the theory goes, Russia somehow hacked into the DNC server, stole thousands of emails and gave them to WikiLeaks in order to help Donald “There’s No Problems Down There Believe Me” Trump win. However, there’s a giant issue with that line of thought. According to this article from The The Nation the rate of speed in which the data was transferred from the server was too fast for anyone to be able to hack it. Also, the timestamp proves that it had to have been done on the east coast of the United States and could not have happened anywhere else. So unless Russia had a mole inside the DNC, this was in all likelihood a disgruntled DNC employee who saw the corruption first hand and decided to blow the whistle like Too $hort. 

5. Every story that gets retracted about Russia/Trump collusion is always proven FALSE.

There have been so many “AHA, WE GOT HIM!” moments, where the story gets broken in such a matter of fact way, only to be retracted later. Here’s a whole list. It’s strange how the story never goes in the other direction. There’s never a “Well it looks like there was no collusion with Russia” article that gets retracted and replaced with a story where there is more evidence in favor of Putin and Trump being BFF’s. It literally ALWAYS goes in the “We proved it!” to “Looks like we need to pull this story, we were wrong” direction.

In conclusion, Democrats need to talk about Medicare for All, Tuition free college/universities, legalizing marijuana, reforming prisons and police departments, raising taxes on corporations and the richest people in the country, reasonable gun legislation, renewable technology, a jobs program, stopping the wars….you know, everything that ISN’T related to Russia. If you keep focusing on Russia and ignoring the real issues, prepare for another 4 years of Trump.

Friday, October 12, 2018

The Ideal President of the USA

If I had the power to create a robot who could somehow run for President of the United States, I would program that robot with 3 particular President’s ideologies to create the closest thing to a “good” president we have ever seen. 

Those 3 individuals are Franklin Roosevelt (FDR from here on out), Jimmy Carter, and Bernie Sanders (I know he was never President, I’m talking strictly ideology here.)

Let’s start with the first person named. And just to get the obvious out of the way, yes minorities were still heavily discriminated against in the eyes of the law during his tenure as President. I’m speaking on this as if it were implemented in modern context, which includes all of the anti-discrimination policies that are in place now. 

With that being said, FDR got Glass-Steagall passed, important regulations that controlled the types of investments banks could make using OUR money, created the Works Progress Administration, which provided jobs for unemployed people, signed the Social Security Act, which created social security benefits, unemployment benefits, and more. He raised taxes on the highest earners in the country, as high as 94% on all income after the $200,000 cap (which in 2012 was the equivalent of about $2.5 Million, so probably higher today in 2018), and brought us into what is known as “The Golden Age of Economic Expansion”. All of these policies were implemented after the Great Depression in order to save America from imploding. You’d think after The Great Recession, we would implement similar policies in order to save those of us who never recovered from the giant crash of 2008.  But for some reason, those policies that saved our country and our industries are viewed as “extreme” or “radical” today. Isn’t that weird (Jimmy Dore voice)?

Let’s move on to someone who most people actually don’t consider to be that great of a President, Jimmy Carter. Now I’m slightly biased in his favor, due to the fact my Great Aunt Bernadine Denning worked for his administration in the Department of Education, so I want to be upfront about that. 


It does not negate the fact that his foreign policy is almost unheard of in today’s political climate, where we began two full scale wars in 2001 and 2003 that we ARE STILL INVOLVED IN IN 2018, and our democratic savior Barack Obama dropped more bombs than a Funk Flex tape; expanding that number to 8 (Trump added another country just for good measure, bringing us to a total of 9). Jimmy Carter did the unthinkable and dropped ZERO bombs the entire 4 years he was in office. He also continued to ease tensions with the Soviet Union (completely the opposite of today’s climate where EVERYONE and they momma is saying Russia is responsible for everything bad), and even when the Soviet’s invaded Afghanistan and tensions rose once again, Carter never took military action. He imposed sanctions, announced a boycott of the Soviet hosted Olympics, but never sent troops to the border, like we see today.

Oh yeah, he also orchestrated peace talks between the Egyptian Arabs and the Israeli’s in 1979, granted refuge to 125,000 Cubans who fled the Fidel Castro led dictatorship, and signed a peace treaty with Panama in 1978. 

Lastly, we gotta bring up the Brooklyn homie Bernie Sanders. His social policy is basically the ideal thought process of all Americans. It’s basically, “Don’t hate anybody unless they specifically give you a reason to.” So, bigotry in all forms is basically what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about a guy who got locked up for protesting alongside Martin Luther the King (shout out Coming to America), was fighting for LGBTQ+ rights in the early 90’s when NOBODY was (I see you Hillary Clinton), and is one of very few members of Congress who is speaking about legalizing marijuana, reform prisons/police, ending the ILLEGAL offensive wars we are engaged in, and more. Literally all of his social policy positions would make life better for all Americans, not just Christian wypipo, but all religious affiliations (or lack thereof), ethnicities, nationalities, genders (or lack thereof), sexual orientations, etc. The man cares about his people. 

Economics of FDR, Foreign Policy of Jimmy Carter, social policies of Bernie Sanders. Whoever that person is, I will vote for you with hesitation that equals the amount of bombs President Carter dropped. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Conversation Between White Conservatives and Progressives of Color

A friend of mine, we’ll call him “Steve”, and I have frequent debates about policy. He does not identify as a republican, however most of his ideology lines up with the right wing. 

Likewise, I do not identify as a democrat, but the strong majority of my ideology lines up with the left. We disagree on a lot of important stuff, but this particular piece will be about…race (Queue the scary music.)

So Steve often tells me things like “I grew up in an all Hispanic neighborhood as a member of the only white family in the neighborhood. All the stories I hear about black people being followed around in stores, being treated differently by police, all that happened to me growing up.” 

When he tells me things like that, it is to imply that black people aren’t REALLY treated differently in America, it’s all in our heads because similar things happened to him as a white person. 

Well Steve, I have two responses to that. 
1. You prove the point that minorities are treated differently by authority. Imagine what you, as the minority in your community went through on a large scale. And instead of you being a white minority in one neighborhood, you were the black minority of an entire country. Simply extrapolate that line of thought and you’ll see why you’re proving me right.
2. Empirical data shows otherwise. 

What data is that? Here’s a few links for dat ass…
The above link references the “Resume Study”, which finds that when companies look at two resumes, with EVERYTHING BEING THE SAME EXCEPT the way the name sounds. So when Sarah or Becky graduate college with honors and a master’s degree in business, they are WAY more likely to get that new position, versus when Tyeisha applies with the exact same resume, that callback is far less common.
Don’t believe that one? Cool. 

The link posted above is a study that shows if you have a white hand holding an iPod, selling this item is WAY easier than if you have a black hand holding the exact same object, for the exact same price, in that exact same condition. 

Need more? I got more.

Here’s video of a white man, a white woman, and a black man. What are all three of them doing? Trying to steal a bike. I bet you know what the reactions were from everyone around them…
1. White man attempts to steal a bike, nobody says or does anything. They don’t even really look at him crazy.
2. White woman attempts to steal a bike, and not only did nobody say or do anything to stop her, some people actively tried to assist her.
3. Black man attempts to steal bike, on the same street, in front of the same store, at the same time of day….the police were there within 10 minutes.

So Steve, my friend, unless you can explain the above three facts in a way that doesn’t show any sort of ethnic bias, I think this issue has very little grey area, it’s all black and white (you know damn well the pun was intended.)