Thursday, November 29, 2018

Supporting the Troops

We are currently bombing 8 different countries.

Two of those countries we have been militarily involved with for almost 20 years, being Afghanistan and Iraq.

22 veterans per day commit suicide. About 20% of veterans have PTSD.

Minimum 200,000 civilians were killed in Iraq as of April 2017. About 31,000 civilian deaths in Afghanistan. Then you have all the bodies in Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan. 

We are allies with Saudi Arabia, whose government has the exact same ideology as ISIS. They are currently committing genocide in Yemen with United States weapons, which has caused mass starvation, a cholera outbreak, and a blockade of humanitarian goods, such as medicine and food.

We spend almost 800 BILLION DOLLARS (Dr. Evil voice) on our military PER YEAR. Yet, Flint still has poison water, 50% of workers in America make less than $30,000, the number one cause of bankruptcy is medical bills, and we have 50,000 homeless veterans. What am I getting at?

Maybe, just MAYBE, supporting our military and supporting offensive wars is not one in the same. MAYBE if you support our troops, you support them NOT getting PTSD or committing suicide because of wars of aggression that we started for financial/territorial gain. MAYBE, we should stop acting like you have to support bullshit wars to support the troops. I want the troops to stay alive, be healthy, and spend as much time with their families as possible. Sending them to the Middle East to fight random brown people for “freedom” (still not sure what that means) isn’t how we should support the troops. 

But what do I know? I’m a libtard.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Americas Toxic Relationship with Guns

This is America, the home of mass shootings, the home of the most guns per capita, and the home of blaming these incidents on mental health issues. I have heard multiple arguments as to why gun regulation is not going to help reduce the amount of gun deaths, and why less regulation will ultimately lead to a safer America. 

Now while I realize that Americans LOVE their guns and we are more than likely FAR away from any sort of regulation, I will still try my best to get the facts out there so that people at least know the consequences of their love for firearms.

At 112.6 guns per 100 people, we are far and away the country with the most guns. We also have mass shootings at least once a month. The theory that the more guns a society has, the safer said society is, is debunked just by the numbers. Out of 251,000 reported gun deaths in 2016, 37,200 of those were right here in Murica’. In fact, according to Vox:

The top six’s gun death tolls for 2016: Brazil was 43,200, the US 37,200, Mexico 15,400, Colombia 13,300, Venezuela 12,800, and Guatemala 5,090. Collectively, these countries made up less than 10 percent of the global population but 50.5 percent of the world’s gun deaths.” 

2. More than one mass shooting occurs every day in the United States

      In this New York Times article, it shows that there is a mass shooting (four or more individuals being shot) everyday, and on average, at least two. Of course we don’t hear about all of them, due to the fact that anything less than 5 deaths is deemed “not newsworthy” because it is such a frequent occurrence.

3. “Gun laws won’t stop criminals from getting guns.”

I have several responses to this, and I don’t even have to use numbers or data. Just a little bit of common sense. For instance, with this logic, murder laws should be taken off the books because “Murders gonna murder anyway.” Apply this logic with any other crime and you’ll see why it’s a shitty argument. “Rapist’s gonna rape anyway so why even have laws against it?”

My second response would be “Not everyone has access to the black market. So by reducing the EASE in which people are able to buy guns legally, would also reduce the overall number of gun sales because not everyone has street connects to obtain weapons.” 

The other part about this that makes me laugh is they use the two opposite sides of the argument to make the same point. “Well what about Chicago (which is really just a metaphor for black people/the hood)?” According to your own philosophy, Chicago (the hood) should be the SAFEST place in America. Everyone’s packing their tools and according to the argument of “less regulation = more safety”, this should lead to a decline in gun deaths. But when you bring this up, then they will say “But those are illegal guns.” Ok, so lets say the laws of Illinois weren’t strict on the right to carry or own a gun, but the economic situation was still the exact same. Do you REALLY think that because the guns were legally purchased, that all of a sudden the gun death total would shrink? In Ed Lover’s voice “C’mon son.”

I get everyone’s reasons for wanting to keep their heat. Protection of themselves and their families in the event a crisis happens. I get it. That’s a very reasonable stance to take. I get going to the range to relieve stress. I think there are better ways, but not everything works for everybody. So I’m not judging.

All I’m asking of people is to look at the data. If you still don’t want any sort of reasonable regulation, such as background checks, the bans of high-capacity magazines, and the ban of guns that can fire large numbers of rounds in a very short period of time, then maybe you just don’t care that much about America’s extremely high number of gun deaths per year. By the way, I have never once heard a progressive argue for banning all guns, which seems to be the take away whenever a left wing person mentions the word “regulation”. Regulation is just a set of rules to make sure things don’t get out of control. As we can see, the lack of regulation has led to hundreds of thousands of gun deaths in my lifetime, and as far as I can tell, isn’t changing any time soon.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Why Nancy Pelosi Must Go

Besides the fact that Donald Tiny Hands endorsed her, there are multiple reasons why we shouldn’t be supporting her as Speaker of the House.

She takes way too much money from corporations and Wall Street, and she is beholden to them. Why do you think she is pro deregulation of Wall Street? Why do you think she is still against Medicare for All? Why do you think she won’t support a bill for $15 minimum wage? Because she’s trash and a sellout.

Nancy has literally made tens of millions of dollars while in government. Pure insanity if you don’t see a problem with this. It’s called corruption everyone. It’s the same shit that prevented Hillary from winning, the same reason workers haven’t seen a raise in wages since it was decoupled from productivity in 1982. 38 years of stagnant wages.

Look at this video where she mentions everything around Healthcare except the one program that would accomplish everything people say they want to accomplish, Medicare for All.

And what’s up with all the “let’s work together with Republicans” bullshit? I thought Trump was
the most evil President ever? You guys know he’s the leader of the party, right?

This is the problem with the current Democratic Party. To fix our problems, the first step is getting rid of Nancy Pelosi as the leader.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Biggest Lessons from the MidTerm Elections

Biggest take away from the MidTerms? Progressive policies win. The other biggest take away? People still don’t F with the Democrats.

Andrew Gillum lost (although there were shady circumstances), Stacey Abrams lost (similarly crooked politics were played, we’ll call it cheating). David Garcia out here in Arizona lost, Beto O’Rourke lost, and you get my drift. The Democrats did indeed win back the House of Representatives by a SLIMmargin, the major thing to learn from this is what happened on the ballot initiatives.

Michigan legalized marijuana.
Florida gave voting rights back to over 1,000,000 convicted felons.
Utah (We see you Mitt Romney), legalized medical marijuana.
Idaho, Nebraska, and Utah all expanded Medicaid.
Missouri and Arkansas raised the minimum wage.
Massachusetts defended the rights of Transgender Americans.

The major point is, the Democratic Party has lost so much faith with their pro-corporate, pro-war, milquetoast policies that President Obama himself said were “moderate republican” policies. Running Hillary was a mistake that they still won’t admit to, so therefore they blame Russians, James Comey, Bernie Sanders (what the eff?), Susan Sarandon, Jimmy Dore, progressives who wouldn’t “fall in line”, racists, sexists, basically anybody else other than Hillary herself. 

I think this could truly be a teachable moment for Democrats who want to win. This is how. Be actual progressives. Richard Ojeda ran as a populist left wing candidate and overcame majorly in a district that Trump won by 49 points. He didn’t win, but the point is that if he closed such a wide gap, in a pro-Trump district, that with equal resources, he would’ve wiped the floor with his opponent. Same with Bernie in the 2016 primaries, same with basically every truly left wing candidate that lost. 
Maybe Jimmy is right, we not only need to run populist left wing candidates in the democratic party, but we ALSO need to vote and support all progressive 3rd party candidates as well, because that is the only way we can put enough pressure on the Dems to represent our interests, instead of their donors. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Donald Trump is the Most Childish President of All Time

So the President of the United States is a giant child. Seriously. He’s a toddler in a 70 something year old’s body. Sometimes it’s cringe worthy, and sometimes his stupidity baffles me so much that it actually is quite entertaining and makes me laugh. Hard. 

The latest example of his temper tantrums being hilarious but also embarrassing to the entrie country would have to be the most recent back and forth between Donald J. Trump (the J stands for Juvenile, and not the dope MC from New Orleans) and Jim Acosta of CNN was so ridiculous I felt so many different things at the same time.

He literally called him a “rude, terrible person” which made me double over in laughter as it caught me so off guard that he would actually say that to a news reporter for simply asking a tough question regarding his immigration stance and the recent commercials he’s been running. 

The video of the exchange truly is very similar to that of a younger brother getting caught taking his older, more mature brother’s clothes without permission when the older brother simply asks him “Hey, did you borrow my hoodie?”

Seriously, this is the President. He almost tried walking away from the podium before he realized “Wait, I’m the PRESIDENT. I can’t just leave the press conference and display the highest level of snowflakery imaginable. This was hilariously sad.