Monday, January 21, 2019

Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day

Today, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (which the state I currently reside in, Arizona, did not recognize as a holiday until 1990, shout out John McCain), instead of me writing about my feelings about MLK, or how much progress we’ve made as a country since his assassination, or the lack thereof, I will post a series of articles I’ve read today, not only to shine some light on sources I use for information, but also, because everything I could possibly want to say about this great man has been said time and time again. So without further ado, here’s my list of fantastic and interesting articles about Martin Luther King the 2nd

Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day everyone. I shouldn’t be at work today. But since I am, figured I’d share some of my favorite reading daily materials, and some good articles about this hero for not only black America, but all Americans who believe in true equality.  

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