Monday, January 7, 2019

Two Years of Tiny Hands Trump

So we’re two years in. Let’s see where our current President Donald “Baby Fingers” Trump is in the arena of policy accomplishments and the results that will become of these decisions.

1. Repeal of Obamacare
According to Voxnot only did he cut the previous 6 week enrollment period to just 3 weeks, he cut the ad budget from $100 Million to just $10 Million, cancelled scheduled events to assist with enrollment around the country, shut down the website for 12 hours every Sunday during said 3 week period, and has openly stated on multiple occasion how he wanted to “blow that thing up”. Now, has he successfully repealed the law? No, because the people were NOT having it. Phone calls were being made to senators, tweets were being tweeted at congressmen and women, and ad-campaigns were launched in opposition. As a result, he folded. So this right-wing, Heritage Foundation/Mitt Romney/Chuck Grassley/Newt Gingrich healthcare plan which was implemented by President Obama, all of a sudden wasn’t right wing anymore because a democrat implemented it, which means it had to be destroyed. Although he has done significant damage overall, he hasn’t fully repealed it as of now. 

2. Foreign Policy
As of today, Trump still is declaring he wants to pull out of Syria and halfway out of Afghanistan. (You can see myarticle about this, full breakdown here.) However, with some new info I’m skeptical at the moment because I heard from the homie Kyle Kulinski that Trump is planning to replace the Military troops with Blackwater style militias, which are really djust private armies. When we say private though, we mean only in operation, as they are still publicly funded institutions. So your tax dollars will still be going towards illegal invasions of sovereign nations that didn’t attack us. So this whole “pull out of Syria” thing is basically a lie. So this as of now, I file in the I Don’t Know file. 

As far as Russia and North Korea, I am always going to be in favor of being cordial with other nuclear powers who have dangerous sociopathic and even psychopathic leaders, or even just regular run of the mill leaders for that matter. Not only do I seriously doubt all of the “Russia and Vladimir Putin are controlling Donald Trump” talk (here I explain are a few good reasons why…here too), but we don’t want smoke with Russia. Not that we wouldn’t be able to overpower them easily, because we spend more 10X the amount annually on our military then they do so we would, but is it worth it? Is it worth World War 3 with effing NUKES on the playing board just because MAYBE Russia tried to spread their political alignment on the internet? Because MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE Russia had something to do with the e-mail leaks, in which we found out how Hillary Clinton and the DNC were literally corrupt to the teeth? And then there’s North Korea.  Why do we want beef with them? You never want to go to war with anyone who cares less than you. And if you look at the power grid at night, it is very clear that Kim Jong Un gives not one f—k. Trump playing nice with “Little Rocket Man” now is actually a very good thing. Remember that time everyone in Hawaii was hella scared because they thought something got launched at them from North Korea, and it was actually plausible? Yeah, we haven’t had anything like that lately have we? These two things get marked in the good file. 
Overall his foreign policy has still been garbage on account we have increased drone strikes by 400 percent, we invaded Niger, increased the military budget by an additional $80 Billion per year, put a ban on majority Muslim countries, have increased the bigotry pertaining to this stupid ass wall, pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, are backing Israel and assisting in the denial of Palestinian rights at the U.N, and sparking a trade war with China, I’d say overall his dealings overseas have been doggy doo doo

3. Tax Cuts

Not only did his plan NOT reduce the annual deficit as stated multiple times by himself and his colleagues, it added $779 Billion to it this year, and is expected to surpass $1 Trillion this fiscal year (2019). About $17 Billion this year of that amount will go to millionaires in savings. The rest of it? Billionaires and corporations. They also said this would increase job growth. From a literal standpoint, it did. In his first 16 months (I can’t find data on the first 24 yet) he has created about 3.2 Million jobs, which sounds pretty dope. But then you have to ask what the pay is like for those jobs. According to CNBC, 56% of Americans have unmanageable debt, 78% percent live paycheck to paycheck, and as far as how MUCH Americans make, as of December 2018 according to WalletHacks: “The number  people earning less than $39,000 accounts for 49.33% of the population. The 2018 poverty guidelines for a family of four is $25,100.” 

So overall, in the big 3 categories of Foreign Policy, Healthcare and Economy, he’s doing pretty damn horrible. There’s a few OK things in there, but overall, President Infant Palms is caca. Expect another 2 years of this. Make America Great Again. Like during the GREAT Depression, or GREAT recession. Maybe that’s what he meant all this time…

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