Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Kamala Harris Isn’t Who You Might Think

Kamala Harris. Successful black woman from Oakland, CA. She worked her way up to the top and became State Attorney General in 2010. She has stated that she will no longer take corporate PAC money after the public backlash of the 2016 election where corruption became a HUGE issue that was finally being discussed in a serious way. So, that’s the good. Here’s what worries me.

1. She Didn’t Prosecute Steve Mnuchin
According to The Intercept, Steven Mnuchin, who ran OneWestBank, was guilty of committing over 1,000 instances of foreclosure violations, and the California attorney’s general office stated that if they investigated further, they would find “thousands more.” Kamala Harris, who was attorney general at the time, declined to prosecute the man who would become Donald Trump’s nominee to run the Treasury Department. Why not? She provided no explanation whatsoever when requested by the Intercept, but according to Open Secrets, between the years of 2013-2018 she raised $784,610 from the Securities and Investments industry. Coincidence that almost 60% of her campaign contributions come from the banking industry, and she chose not to prosecute a criminal banker?
2. Her Life as a Prosecutor
Not only has she fought to keep individuals facing wrongful convictions locked up, has defended the death penalty stating that the California supreme court’s ruling that it is unconstitutional was a “flawed decision”, defended her office’s decision to prevent transgender individuals from receiving gender re-assignment surgery and required medical attention, defended the 3-Strikes law, but she is pretty anti-freedom as well. Vehemently against sex-workers’ rights, opted not to join other states who attempted removing cannabis from the schedule 1 drugs list, ignored a solitary confinement lawsuit that proved that the practice was inhumane (and by ignored, I mean she flat out said it wasn’t a thing in the California prison system), is in favor of civil asset forfeiture, which is essentially legal robbery by cop. You can read more about her record here.

In my well informed opinion, Kamala Harris is a ploy by the corporate democrats to con us into voting for corporatism, but since she’s a black woman they’re gonna make it seem like not liking her is blasphemy. Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders on the other hand, are both much more in line with what everyone I know wants. Granted, Senator Harris doesn’t have a HUGE history for us to pick through, but based on the above information, she strikes me as a black Hillary Clinton. I just don’t want my fellow black people to get hyped up off the fact she is an intelligent black woman who is running for President. I know that a piece of us all wants the exact opposite of the racist, misogynist pile of human mayonnaise that’s in the White House now, and a black woman would be the perfect antithesis. However, look at the voting record. How much has she really helped us (us being black people, the average person, her constituency, etc)? Seems like she was all about locking people up for stupid shit long before Donald Trump had his minions chanting “Lock Her Up” at his rallies. Just sayin, let’s be consistent.

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