Friday, December 21, 2018

Donald Trump is correct on Syria

So Donald Trump appears to be doing something that left wingers, progressives, liberals, and whatever other labels you want to use have been asking for going on roughly 17 years.


So, while it somewhat pains me to give Trump credit on anything because he’s so trash, I must call it how I see it.

This is a great move.

Removing 7,000 troops from Afghanistan and removing all troops from Syria is fantastic news. Anyone who says otherwise is suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome”, meaning you hate him so much that even when he does things you agree with, you find a reason to disagree with it.

You have probably already heard the nonsense “This helps Russia” talk, which is basically just a way to spew propaganda. They say our withdrawal will help ISIS and somehow at the same time will help Asaad’s regime. Even though they are the two groups fighting each other. That should be a clear indicator of bullshit. 

And let’s get back to the Russia point for a second. My guy Kyle Kulinski over at Secular Talk on YouTube, brought up the best point. “So if Vladimir Putin was in favor of Medicare for Alland free college, and then Trump implemented it, would you all of a sudden be against it?” Excellent point.

I am an advocate for peace, for not spending money to try to “fix” other countries when Flint still has poison water, we have 50,000 homeless veterans, and student loan debt remains in the top 3 types of debt, which stops my generation from being able to participate in the economy in any serious way. 

So, in closing, good job Trump, you should do this in Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and Niger too. 

Also, I’ll believe it when I see it. Once the troops are actually on planes, I’ll give REAL credit. Right now, it’s just talk. We’ll see.

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