Monday, January 14, 2019

Policy Over Identity Politics

I just read a thread full of people just shitting on Bernie Sanders. Young people. Simply because he’s an older white man. There was literally NOTHING about policy mentioned in the video they were commenting on OR in the tweets in the thread. That scares me if that’s how people are viewing politics. “We just want a woman because women have had it rough and we’re judged harsher, so therefore it’s our time.” While I agree woman have it harder in society, policy is what creates the change we need to see equality. 

While it would be awesome to have a Woman in the White House, she MUST have the right policies. That’s why TulsiGabbard or Elizabeth Warren can get my vote but Hillary couldn’t. We have to stop being childish about politics. Would you vote for Sarah Palin simply because she’s a woman? Of course not. 

The even weirder part about all of the tweets is that these are ALL people who support Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Apparently, these twitter users are unaware that Bernie and AOC essentially have the same policies. So if it’s not the policy that makes them dislike Bernie, that only leaves the identity of the individual, which in this case happens to be a straight white male. 

One thing the right wing has been saying lately that I’ve seen quite a few of my favorite progressive pundits have been in disagreement with is that the left focuses too much on identity politics and not enough on policy. A lot of people have become aware of some people on the left who essentially think all straight white men are inherently evil. Pure nonsense in my opinion. 

While I do believe this is realistically just a very loud minority, it still gives me a little reservation about whether or not we (the left) actually learned the correct lessons from the 2016 election. The establishment media CLEARLY hasn’t, and establishment within the DNC clearly hasn’t, but I really felt like the people did. I really hope that the voters prove me wrong in 2020. 

Here’s the Twitter thread that got me in my feelings.

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