Thursday, June 27, 2019

Night One of Democratic Primary Debates

I took voice notes throughout the debate, so this blog will basically be written in a Tweet thread format. Enjoy.

Tulsi Gabbard started off wonderfully, with clear and concise policy ideas including a green new deal, Medicare for all, and free college which would be paid for by ending the Wars and reinvesting the money.

Bill de Blasio is actually saying some pretty good stuff as well, I’m not sure how much I believe him.

Every single candidate has mentioned green technology or the green new deal.

Cory Booker looks angry.

Elizabeth Warren being her usual wonky policy driven self. Very long drawn out responses to the questions.

Only two candidates are willing to abolish private insurance. Elizabeth Warren and Bill DeBlasio.

Amie cloud boot jar basically said a bunch of nothing, and is in favor of the public option rather than Medicare for all.

Elizabeth Warren strongly comes out in favor of Medicare for all.

Bet on my stork coming through with cliches and speaking about personal stories, rather than policy solutions.

Bill de Blasio strongly challenges Beto in the rain work on his position for private insurance.

Tulsi Gabbard comes out in favor of Medicare for all, with private insurance still being an available option.

Cory Booker comes out in favor of Medicare for all as well, and also did a relatively good job of tying health issues in with economic and educational issues as well. Again, I’m not sure how much I believe that he will fight for it.

Julian Castro came out in favor of abortion being covered in a Medicare for all bill. That isn’t an issue I’ve heard brought up very much, but I feel that was a good answer.

Elizabeth Warren using sneak words like “access”. No, everyone gets healthcare, no questions asked.

I liked everything that Julie and Castro said about immigration until he got to his solution. Ending the drug war should be one of the top priorities of any Democratic nominee.

Cory Booker going after that Hispanic vote flaunting his Spanish linguistic skills. Gotta love identity politics.

I’m hearing a lot of what is wrong with our current immigration system, but not very many solutions, aside from Julian Castro.

Build a Blasio is actually railing against corporations, rhetorically I’m not surprised, I will be very surprised if he actually sticks to this line of attack if he somehow makes it to the general.

Beto O’Rourke also had to show America that he can speak Spanish, so therefore he will be great for the Hispanic community. Because that’s how it works.

Oh shit shots fired! Julian Castro is giving Beto O’Rourke that heat right now regarding his voting record on immigration.

John Delaney has looked and lost this entire debate.

Tim Ryan looks incredibly confused and a little bit intense.

Cory Booker wants to be Barack Obama so bad.

The moderator just called out all of the candidates and said that nobody has given her a clear answer on how to fix the “child separation” policies. Fantastic.

Cory Booker is the only candidate on stage who would not have voted in favor of the Iran deal. When pressed on it, he simply stated that he would try to negotiate a better deal. Where have we heard that from? Oh right, Donald Trump.

Tulsi Gabbard of course spitting mad knowledge when it comes to foreign policy. This is definitely her strongest attribute.

I wonder how many times Rachel Maddow is going to bring up Russia to the candidates.

All the technical issues they were having are hilarious.

Elizabeth Warren does not have a solid policy solution to gun violence.

Cory Booker does not have a solution to gun violence.

Julian Castro does not have a solution for gun violence.

Tim Ryan has one policy proposal which is his mental health professionals in schools.

Beto’s answer is “let the kids do it!”

Corey Booker cleaned up his answer a little bit, still not great but at least there were some statistics that he sites.

I wasn’t able to take notes during the last portion, but all in all I think that they allowed Bill de Blasio and a few other lesser known Candidates take over the entire debate. I barely got to see Tulsi Gabbard say anything, and it was almost comical how they treated John Delaney. I feel bad almost everyone was wishy-washy on Medicare for all and they used to weasel words like access, universal, affordable, and other various words that sort of let you know they’re not all the way on board with Medicare for all. I’m very interested to see how the debates go tonight.

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