Friday, August 9, 2019

Joe Biden Is a Right Winger

Back to business.

Handsy Uncle Joseph, also known as Vice President Joe Biden is  terrible candidate. He is the male version of Hillary Clinton, with a worse record on racial issues. However, i am not here to break down his long ass voting record. I'm just gonna post a bunch of quotes from Joe Biden from over the years to show you what the man thinks. 

"Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids." - 2019 (Self explanatory)

"There's less than one percent of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four or five percent that are minorities. So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with. When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there's no books, where the mother from the time they're born doesn't talk to them - as opposed to the mother in iowa who's sitting there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300 word larger vocabulary at age three Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom." - 2007 (In reference to why Iowa's education system is "better" than Washington's)

"The younger generation now tells me how tough things are—give me a break;  No, no, I have no empathy for it, give me a break." - 2018 (In reference to the current situation millenials find themselves in where we cannot participate in the economy by buying homes, cars, etc because of how much the previous generations ruined everything)

“We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created…they are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale. And it's a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society….a cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally … because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity….we should focus on them now….if we don't, they will, or a portion of them, will become the predators 15 years from now.” - 1993 (In reference to the Crime Bill, and african americans who would ultimately be the worst affected by this legislation)

“The consensus is A), we must take back the streets. It doesn't matter whether or not the person that is accosting your son or daughter or my son or daughter, my wife, your husband, my mother, your parents, it doesn't matter whether or not they were deprived as a youth. It doesn't matter whether or not they had no background that enabled them to become socialized into the fabric of society. It doesn't matter whether or not they're the victims of society. The end result is they're about to knock my mother on the head with a lead pipe, shoot my sister, beat up my wife, take on my sons.” - 1993 (In reference to the Crime Bill, and african americans who would ultimately be the worst affected by this legislation)

“I don't care why someone is a malefactor in society. I don't care why someone is antisocial. I don't care why they've become a sociopath. We have an obligation to cordon them off from the rest of society.” - 1993 (In reference to the Crime Bill, and african americans who would ultimately be the worst affected by this legislation)

“No issue has consumed more of my time and energies than the question of court-ordered busing of students to achieve integration in our public school system; The courts have taken it upon themselves to go beyond simply dismantling deliberate segregation as an illegal government policy. They have gone on to attempting to force integration by reassigning students to achieve particular racial balances.” - 1978 (In reference the busing desegregation)

“The new integration plans being offered are really just quota-systems to assure a certain number of blacks, Chicanos, or whatever in each school; That, to me, is the most racist concept you can come up with. What it says is, in order for your child with curly black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin to be able to learn anything, he needs to sit next to my blond-haired, blue-eyed son. That’s racist!” - 1975 (In reference to integrated schools)

“I was in a caucus with James O. Eastland; He never called me boy, he always called me son. A guy like Herman Talmadge, one of the meanest guys I ever knew, you go down the list of all these guys. Well guess what? At least there was some civility. We got things done. We didn’t agree on much of anything. We got things done. We got it finished. But today, you look at the other side and you’re the enemy. Not the opposition, the enemy. We don’t talk to each other anymore.” - 2019 (In reference to open segregationists who helped him with past legislation)

Any of this sound like a democrat? Yet, he's currently the front runner. If this is the guy who is going to represent "the left", get ready for Trump 2020. 

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