Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Impeachment Talk Just Got Real

So Nancy Pelosi is finally joining the rest of the elected Democrats and pushing for the impeachment of Donald Drumpf. I am on the fence if this is actually a good idea for a few reasons, mainly because I don't want a more competent version of Tiny Hands in the White House (that being Mike Pence). But, in principle, if the President is doing illegal shit, then we cannot set the precedent of letting him get away with it in an effort to avoid wasting political capital. It's messy.

This was ONE issue where Nancy and I actually agreed. I typically thnk her instincts are off, she backs the wrong candidates, is way too pro-status quo for my liking, and basically represents everything about the democrats thats progressives like myself want to change about the party. 


On THIS issue, I felt she was correct. Getting Mike Pence as President would not only take the country in a WORSE direction than Trump (again, he won't get into petty Twitter fights or be so overt in his bigotry but still do all the same policies), but it could end up being Bill Clinton all over again. 

Remember what happened when the Republicans burned all that energy to impeach Slick Willy? What happened? He won the next election by about 8.2 Million popular votes. To compare, Donald Trump had 3 Million LESS popular votes than Hillary Clinton, but won the electoral college. So, my point is that Bill Clinton was really popular and the impeachment did absolutely NOTHING to slow down his popularity. See where I'm going with this?

Is Donald Trump corrupt? Yes. Is he and has be done illegal things while in office? All the evidence points to yes (emoluments involving his hotels, illegal continuation of Iraq war, etc). Is he a bigot who should've never been President? Of course. Is he "like, a smart person?" No. 

I don't know where I fall in this argument as of today. But I also am not ignoring reality, as it seems that this is happening for real this time. 

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