Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Democratic Debate in Detroit Night Two

Night One

Alright ladies, gentleman and non-binary folks....Night 2 of the Democratic Debates in Detroit! I look forward to Joe Biden receiving a mudhole stomping Stone Cold Steve Austin style. As I did before, I will do this blog bulletin style as the event goes on.

Joe Biden told Kamala Harris "Go easy on me kid!" when she got on stage lmaoooo. 
Let's see if anyone can top Marianne Williamson's answer on race/repartations from last night. I doubt it severely. 

I am not feeling this womans voice singing the anthem. 

Michael Bennett is taking a nap while he is giving his opening statement. He must be taking advantage of the fact he lives in Colorado, or he visted one of the fine Michigan dispensaries...

Jay Inslee is saying the right stuff on the issue of climate change. I like it!

Jello Brand is flexing her record, smart move to open up the debate, showing what she has done.

Tulsi got applause before even speaking, that's a good sign. Detroit knows whats up. 

Julian definitely took some cues from Bet on my Stork, with the whole "whisper certain words loudly so it gives dramatic effect" speech style.

Andrew Yang will not talk about anything other than UBI, which is important, but bro. C'mon. Give us SOMETHING else. 

Corey Booker got NO LOVE. LMFAOOOOOOOOO. And the crowd is now heckling him. This is an awesome start. 

Topic 1 is healthcare.

"Insurance companies have been jacking up the prices for too long" your solution is to keep the private companies running healthcare? Cool story Kamala. Joe Biden is ready to go toe-to-toe with Senator Harris, but he's failing already. She's about to eat him up, again. She talking to him like a professional e-mail at work.
Joe Biden is REALLY trying hard to defend the whole "But how do you pay for it?" argument. He is a REPUBLICAN. 

Bill de Blasio is about to come out being fake progressive and say all the correct things.  His rhetoric is pretty good, although again, I don't believe him. Joe Biden's trying to defend Obamacare, and says it's working (conveniently leaving out the fact that there are still 44 Million uninsured Americans) and insure "the vast majority of Americans are covered", rather than ALL AMERICANS. 

I'm glad the moderator called out Kamala Harris for saying her plan is Medicare for All even though it's not, due to the whole "private insurance still being a part of it" thing. Kirsten Jello Brand is correct in what she's saying about for profit companies not working for the average citizen. 

Cory Booker is on some BULLSHIT. Why are you bringing up Trump right now? The question was "How is your plan better than Medicare for All when Med4All will do everything you say 
you want to do?" Everything he said right there was a deflection from the question. "Can't we all jsut get along?" No Cory. No.

Tulsi nailed it. "We don't have healthcare, we have sick care." She also just called out Kamala for having one of the Healthcare Industry executives endorse her bill, and said nobody from these industries should be a part of the drafting process. Absolutely correct.

Michael Bennett, you just said you think it will be MORE DIFFICULT to beat Donald Trump if you push for Med 4 All? You are a clown, sir. You and all your corporate buddies need to stop lying about private insurance being "illegal". That is a lie. 

Julian, you can't have for profit private companies AND low drug costs at the same time. I don't know what's hard about this. 

Kamala, we want choice of doctor and hospital, we don't care who's paying for it. Stop with this "choice of coverage" argument. Everybody wants everything covered. Which Bernie's bill does. 

Jay Inslee brought up mental health in the discussion, which is the first time I've heard that subject brought up tonight.

Andrew Yang had a good answer, especially from a business owner perspective. Bill de Blasio followed up by basically pulling a Liz Warren from last night. "How are there democrats who aren't support universal coverage?" He then proceeded to call Michael Bennett a fear mongerer on the issue of healthcare. Yikes!

Joe Biden is really laying it on thick with the "Your taxes will go up!" stuff, (while ignoring the fact that deductibles, co-pays, and premiums go away)


FINALLY, next topic...Immigration.

Julian Castro wants a pathway to citizenship, and wants to decriminalize illegal border crossings. Solid.

Kamala Harris is acting like locking people up isn't her thing. Remember when you were locking up parents for not taking their kids to school? Where do you think those kids ended up? You were separating families before Trump, maybe not in as harsh of a manner, but stop with the act.

Kirsten Jello Brand wants a civil infraction rather than a criminal offense. I can get with that. 

Joe Biden out here sounding like all the republicans, talking about "send them back." Somehow, all this is Trumps fault (even though Obama and Biden were locking people up in camps at the border too). Julian Castro just checked him quite nicely. 

Tulsi, I need details Sis. All of that sounded good, but you didn't say how you would do any of it. 

Andrew Yang brought up a good, but obvious point, that immigrants are being demonized and scapegoated. 

Cory Booker: "Trump is bad! Republicans are bad! Stop fighting guys! We. Are. Fam-i-ly!"

Jay Inslee called Trump a white nationalist. Nice. He's also giving his record on immigration, 
which is pretty damn good. 

Bill de Blasio is saying the progressive stuff, but just like Tulsi, I'm gonna need you to explain. Nice call out of Joe Biden though, I like that.

Tulsi doesn't agree with Bernie on providing tuition free college for undocumented immigrants. I don't know how I feel about that answer. I understand both arguments. 

Cory Booker is in favor of legalizing marijuana. He then called out Joe Biden on his criminal justice record. Joe Biden responded by calling or Cory Booker is May oriole record, and Cory Booker about it quite nicely.

Everyone jumped down Joe Biden’s back when it came to racial justice.

Tulsi is killing Kampala’s record as a prosecutor. Took it right to her, aggressively.

Andrew Yang is doing WAY better this time.

Everyone is talking about police reform. Nobody really said how they plan to tackle it.

On to climate change, Joe Biden is again, the worst. Everyone is on board with the Green New Deal, except him.

Bill de Blasio sounds pretty good on Flint, using his record to back it up. 

Cory Booker just blamed the Russians for voter suppression? WOW.

Bill de Blasio was the ONLY candidate to say “Hey impeachment’s cool and all, but let’s not forget about the real shit, like policy.” That’s crazy to me. Everyone else basically said one form or another of “We gotta get rid of this guy!” And that was it. 

All of their closing statements were basically just advertising to go to their websites and reiterating their opening statements mixed with anti-Trump rhetoric. Tulsi’s was decent because she let you know how real it can get with nuclear war. Bill de Blasio did the best I would say, not just in his closing statement but surprisingly, overall. I have de Blasio CLEARLY winning this debate. Kamala Harris has some punch liney type moments in her close that sounded cool. But there you have it. Night two.

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