Tuesday, July 30, 2019

How to Defeat Trump in 2020

How to defeat Donald Trump in 2020. There’s a few very important things we need to understand in order to accomplish this goal, while at the same time passing progressive legislation that will positively influence the country. Here’s my thoughts:

Run an anti-establishment candidate. That’s a big reason as to why Tonald Drump was elected in the first place. People wanted their jobs back. People wanted to leave the Middle East and re-invest the money in our homeland. Our infastructure is crumbling. And everypone knew that Hillary Clinton was the perfect representation of "more of the same". That's why progressives didn't vote for her, and people who aren't hateful still chose to vote for a bigot over her. If we run Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and realistically, even Elizabeth Warren, we are running ahuge risk for a repeat of 2016. People do not want the status quo, they want to blow the system up, which is another reason people were willing to risk voting for Tiny Hands. Giving people a real alternative to the status quo (which of COURSE if you were paying attention at all to of his history, you knew Drumpf would represent the establishment to the fullest), who will actually stand up against corporate greed, protect workers, and protect peoples jobs while fighting for a living wage. This is what people care about.
Use the current President's own rhetoric against him. This man has literally said EVERYTHING, and had EVERY position you can possibly have on EVERY issue. He wants to leave the Middle East, yet he wants to "bomb the sh*t" out of ISIS. He wants to "never forget the forgotten man and woman", yet he passed tx cut that the 80% of the benefits go to the top 1% of the wealthiest Americans. He told Ilhan Omar, AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley if they don't love America, they should leave....despite the fact that he spent YEARS saying how America is a losing country, how he wants to make it great AGAIN (meaning it isn't great now), how we are the laughing stock of the world, and how we aren't respected because we are "so stupid as a country". You can remind the people that voted for him how big of a fraud he is, and I truly think it would work. Compare that to a record like Bernie Sanders, which has been consistent for 40+ years. 
Do not insult all of his voters. Yes, there are die hard racists out there who love all the anti-immigration stuff, die hard evangelical christians who love the anti-abortion stuff, and some who are just genuinely mis-lead because they don't watch good news sources. But insulting all of them will immediately turn them off, even if your message is one that will ultimately benefit them. If they feel as if our candidate has some moral superiority complex, it doesn't matter how much money Medicare for All will save their family compared to what they pay now for private health insurance. They won't vote for you.
Focus on the two time Obama voters. If you focus on who we can get, the voters who aren't unreasonable, the ones who just want there families to be safe and secure. We can get those voters by explaining to them how free college will benefit them, how Medicare for All will save them on healthcare costs, how re-investing the ridiculous military spending into infastructure projects and a Green New Deal, will not only help slow down climate change, but also will create new jobs all over the country. This is the message that will win over the ones we lost in 2016.

I think if we follow these basic steps, we can not only defeat the Orange Clown in Chief, but we can also pass progressive legislation that will not only help the average American, it may literally save all of us from a firey burning death. 

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